• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

on the news now!


Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
bbc1 right now

all about diabetes
Thanks Steff

I'll check website or bbc player tomorrow
thats ok , it was over quite quick by time i typed it newsreader had moved onto something else :rolleyes:
Great news!

But what we need now is to find a drug that 'kick starts' the pancreas again!:)Hopefully it wont be too far off! Bev
What a wonderful dream Bev

Any new drug, by the time it has been validated, will not be around for us mere mortals for some years.

Sadly, drugs approved for other major and widespread diseases have bee used before being fully appraised and resulted in serious side effects.
I like to remain optimistic - Alex is 10 so there is hope that he may benefit from any new break through's in the future - I honestly do think they will find a drug/way of doing this. It costs the NHS so much financially that there is enough incentive to research such a drug i think.:DBev
was nothing we did'nt know allready would be good though. but if they have a drug to prevent diabetes then there will be no need to keep looking for a cure. for our children that allready have the diabetes.:)
We need to jump forward in time and get some Star Trek technology. In STar Trek people die of very old age and rarely from anything else. Actually I quite like the idea of having my own holographic doctoer who is there when I need a doctor....
We need to jump forward in time and get some Star Trek technology. In STar Trek people die of very old age and rarely from anything else. Actually I quite like the idea of having my own holographic doctoer who is there when I need a doctor....

You forget the nameless 'ensigns' who beam down with Captain Kirk - that job always had a very limited lifespan! You can imagine them in the ensigns' ready room waiting to find out which of them has been assigned to that 'no return' away mission...!:)

If I could have a holographic doctor it would have to be modelled on my own GP - she's lovely, and very good at her job!:)