On Going...


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
It's been good of late to see articles appearing(mostly positive and attributed to Diabetes.Org)in a variety of regional newspapers offering advice of how to avoid getting diabetes. How to possibly reduce its effects. New research.

Me? I think I am doing reasonably well. Still keeping the weight off and maintaining it. Small portions and everything in moderation. Careful about carbs and sugar content in the foods that I eat.

After almost thirty years getting general bloods taken at Dr's Surgery has become an interesting experience.

We have all heard how difficult it is to see a Dr. Well, I usually ask for bloods near the time my Consultant is going to talk to me. So he is upto date.

The last time the surgery said no. And gave a complicated reason why.

He wasn't happy. He requested that a full set of tests be done. He also decided to ask for an upto date HbA1c test. My surgery did a pre diabetic test in April and were leaving the next one for a year!

Almost six weeks later no news so I take that as a good sign on everything.

The other interesting thing is that originally he was unaware of the test that the surgery did for diabetes.

When I went for the new tests ...the Nurse actually set to me "What tests are required?"

They have a letter from my consultant saying what he wants. Foresight meant I had copied what he wanted from my duplicate letter otherwise no one would have known what to do.

So hopefully things will continue to go OK.

I have had both my flu jab and covid booster.

I am now being regularly seen by a podiatrist because of the pre diabetic result.

They are finally(and the podiatrist was surprised)that I have never been referred to a physiotherapist. One leg is shorter than the other affecting mobility.

Possibly caused by medical issues or side effects of all the strong meds taken for decades.

I may have shoes made which will mean my gate will be more balanced. I am told they no longer look as they once used to. That they even make trainers.

Wishing everyone well and for all the work that you do.
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He wasn't happy. He requested that a full set of tests be done. He also decided to ask for an upto date HbA1c test. My surgery did a pre diabetic test in April and were leaving the next one for a year!

Almost six weeks later no news so I take that as a good sign on everything.
Worth checking-in with them just to ask what the result was and how that compares to the previous one you had.

Hope you're getting on well? 🙂