On going saga of high blood sugars Again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry to be posting about this again but i just dont know wot to do. As you are aware my bs is constantly high. Im on 120 units of Insartard a day in one dose at 830pm everyday. Saw my gp Tuesday and asked him about possibly putting it up again, but he said he didt think so. Hes waiting to hear back from the hospital consultant about putting me back on Lantus which did control my bs well. Here are my bs for last few days
Date B4 breakfast B4 BED Units insulin taken
30/10 23.5 20.7 120
31/10 22.4 18.0 120
1/11 23.9 23.6 120
2/11 17.6 17.0 120
3/11 14.0 15.5 120
4/11 7.6 17.4 120
5/11 16.8 24.0 120
6/11 14.1 14.7 120
7/11 19.6 15.0 120
8/11 16.8 25.2 120
9/11 21.1 24.3 120
10/11 23.0
Im getting a bit peeved off with this. For a while now I have been feeling/being sick a lot of the time. Tablets coming back up. Gp has at last found me a anti sickness tablets that seem to work a bit, but last couple of days my head has been down the toilet a lot Sorry. Am having to be very careful about what I eat just cant eat a lot of things or keep them down. Tummy hurts a bit. Dont have keytones.
Im beginning to think of ringing up the diabetic unit and asking for an appoinment to see my consultant or do you think that would be to pushy
Its not right me being like this is it
Gail, the levels are too high and you need to up the dose - but you have explained in the past the reasons why your GP is reluctant to do this so perhaps you need to go and see him again and show him the levels to see if he will agree to an increase. I think your GP just worries about you.🙂Bev
I asked him when i saw him a couple of days ago and he would not
I asked him when i saw him a couple of days ago and he would not

Could the nurse at your GP's administer the injection for you and then you would be able to have a higher dose perhaps?🙂Bev
this was dicussed a while back but because of reasons i dont want to put here it was decidered it would not be done. I think wot i need more than anything is to go back on lantus
this was dicussed a while back but because of reasons i dont want to put here it was decidered it would not be done. I think wot i need more than anything is to go back on lantus

Gail, it must be awful feeling like this all the time - high levels make Alex feel horrible and he knows he isnt 'right'. I understand your frustration about this and I wish there was something I could say to help - but I think this is down to your GP 'trusting' you if you know what I mean. Perhaps if there has been a period of time he will allow you to have more insulin - but I think this will take time unfortunately. Have you asked about going back on to lantus?🙂Bev
as i put in my first post we are waiting to hear from hospital consultant about going back on lantus
as i put in my first post we are waiting to hear from hospital consultant about going back on lantus

Oops sorry - I missed that. Hope the answer is yes for you.🙂Bev
Sorry you feel so horrid with high numbers all the time gail.

Its catch 22 for you isnt it, you know you need more insulin, preferably mdi, but you are not allowed to. Not a great situation, just time and like Bev said gaining the trust from the gp.

Is there any family member/friend who would be willing to take charge of the lantus? Can the gp administer lantus? Not ideal i know just trying to help you find a solution.
so do i bev so do i
Oh gail you must be so fed up with it all. hope they get you sorted ASAP. Will your gp refer you to the hosp to see the diabetic consultant? X
gail only just caught this and skimmed through ...all i wanna say is that in those results ...there are no 30's... thats brilliant!
....i seem to remember when you first came on here you were constantly in your 30's ...so although it might not seem so at times what an improvement you have managed xx well done hunny x
onwards and downwards xx 🙂
good luck with your journey and the meet on saturday xx
Hope you are feeling better soon Gail 🙂
I dont believe it A bs of 10.4 this morning. I have decidered that as Im on resipite next week I will see how it goes for the week and if Im not happy when I come back will ask for an appoiment to see consultant.
good luck with that gail, hope you can see the consultant and convince him to help you. You cant carry on with those numbers, and they should trust you more, so I hope they do soon (((hugs)))
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