On call working

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Hi everyone.

I’m a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic. I work as an embryologist for the NHS. At the moment, Occupational Health, have taken me off the on call rota and I’m not allowed to work on my own whilst I’m new to insulin. I understand this but also I don’t know how long this will be for. My boss is worried I’ll never be able to work alone again as there is always a risk I’ll have a hypo.

Are there any type 1 doctors, embryologists or other NHS workers that do time sensitive procedures and/or on calls? How did this work with Occupational Health?

Hello Becky and welcome to the forum.
There is no reason what so ever not to work on your own due to having Type1 diabetes so rest assured in that dept 🙂
Obviously your OH are being very sensible to keep you safe whilst you become used to your insulin.
If you look on a logical point of view if it wasn't safe to work on your own then no type 1 diabetic would ever live on their own either. 🙂
Lucky though in this day and age we have glucose monitors flash monitors and CGM's which all keep us safe and give prior warning of any impending hypo.
@mikeyB is a retired GP and @Abi is a working GP, there are other HCP's who post on the forum as well. Hopefully they will come along and reassure you as well.
T1 is covered by the equalities act, and employers have a requirement to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support you to continue to work as I understand it.

There’s a bunch of information here which might help.

People with T1 can fly commercial airliners, and drive lorries, so I would hope Occ Health would be able to see that there are no unsurmountable reasons for you not to be on call.
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