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Omnipod without a smartphone


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello everyone, I am soon to come off the waiting list for an insulin pump and would like to choose the omnipod. So far, good news! I currently use the Dexcom 7 cgm and deliver my Levemir and Novorapid using pens. I was changed from the libre 2 cgm to the Dexcom 7 because, after having lymph nodes removed as part of surgery for breast cancer, I cannot have any type of needle on my left arm. Dexcom 7 therefore gives me more options to vary the sites as I can also use the abdomen. Its also great getting 3 months supplies delivered at a time instead of numerous trips to pharmacy for libre 2. I have now heard that omnipod cannot be used with dexcom 7 unless one has a smartphone to act as the controller. I have a basic mobile phone for calls and texts on a pay as you go basis but it is not a smartphone. I am now worried that I will be denied the benefits of the omnipod for this reason. Is anyone else facing this predicament and has found a solution?
Hi @Tulip29
I do not have any experience of Omnipod, but I am sure that others will come along who have.

If you have limited sites for the pod and there are issues around needing a smartphone, have you considered other pumps. I use a tubed pump, which I know is not to everyone’s taste, and this allows me to position the small cannula in a variety of sites, including flank, abdomen and rear. The pump can them be positioned anywhere you fancy. The sensor is recommended to be on the arm but is only changed once a week so not so many sites used as for the pod. There are examples of tubed pumps that will link with Libre but I am not sure whether they require a smart phone .

I use the Medtronic and their own sensors which does not require me to use a phone, but I have to access the pump to deliver bo,uses and respond to alerts/alarms. I choose to use their app on my phone to download the data from my pump each night, but it it is also possible to do this on a laptop.
Maybe time to get a smartphone? They are increasingly becoming the norm and do help you access a wide range of services
It's Dexcom G6 that combines with Omnipod 5 to make it a HCL system, I use stomach sides & even chest area for sensors with no issues whatsoever.

As @Tdm says switching to smartphone gives you so much more options like using Dexcom G6 app & Clarity app then links to it, wouldn't be without my phone & much prefer it to any reader beforehand.
Hello everyone, I am soon to come off the waiting list for an insulin pump and would like to choose the omnipod. . I have a basic mobile phone for calls and texts on a pay as you go basis but it is not a smartphone. I am now worried that I will be denied the benefits of the omnipod for this reason. Is anyone else facing this predicament and has found a solution?
Both Omnipod Dash and Omnipod 5 come with their own controller in the UK. In the USA there is an app approved which takes the place of the controller but it isn't available in the UK yet. It's the Dexcom that requires the phone if you want to use closed loop.

You can get a cheap one which will work for about £20. The Dexcom itself talks to the Omnipod 5 - the controller is only used to input carbs.
If on libre 2 plus then its the handset only and the handset I do not like at all. Much preferred the libre app and the older dash handset. Wish it could be on my phone. They seem cheaply made, which they are hence the better cost and roll out.

Handset is not as hardy as most smart phones which are now stronger, waterproof etc.

Worth getting a cheap smart phone in my opinion. Hope it goes smoothly for you.
Thanks to everyone for your replies. Much appreciated. I have now had my first pump prep meeting and it is proposed that I start with the Omnipod dash to get used to a pump and which I can use with my Dexcom G7. In the meantime my brother in law has spare smartphones from previous defunct contracts so I will see if any of these are on the compatability lists. Closed loop with G7 is apparently coming soon so I will wait for that whilst using the dash. I hope to get my pump in the next few weeks so will let you know how it goes! Love Tulip x
Hello everyone, I finally got my pump one week ago. Omnipod Dash with reader. It is not closed loop but I am happy with that as I feel in control. It is certainly a game changer! I was very apprehensive beforehand but now I love it. Main issue is nightime hypos. I treat with usual carbs but am unsure whether or not to set a temorary basal as well, say minus 90% for a couple of hours? This wasn't covered in the training. Also gardening always sends my bg plummeting. Should I set a temp basal b4 gardening or just treat hypo when it inevitably occurs? My first review with diabetes nurse is not until 8th April. Any advice for a newbie?
If you are getting regular nighttime hypos then you need less insulin. Depending on the trend it’s either reducing the background amount in your basal setting, the advise is 2 hours before the event.
Can you call your DSN? That would be my suggestion and what I would do in the same situation.
For gardening yes I would use a temporary basal reduction or even use the pause setting. I did with hoovering. Again the advice is before you start the activity.
You will get there, if only a week in you are learning.
Keep us updated.
Hello everyone, I finally got my pump one week ago. Omnipod Dash with reader. It is not closed loop but I am happy with that as I feel in control. It is certainly a game changer! I was very apprehensive beforehand but now I love it. Main issue is nightime hypos. I treat with usual carbs but am unsure whether or not to set a temorary basal as well, say minus 90% for a couple of hours? This wasn't covered in the training. Also gardening always sends my bg plummeting. Should I set a temp basal b4 gardening or just treat hypo when it inevitably occurs? My first review with diabetes nurse is not until 8th April. Any advice for a newbie?

If you’re regularly having hypos overnight and aren’t eating/bolusing late, then your overnight basal is wrong and you’re taking too much. I need much less insulin over the early part of the night, so my basal rate for those hours is very low. Are you comfortable adjusting your own basal rate? I’d look at the time you’re normally having hypos and adjust your basal rates prior to that time.
Hello everyone, I finally got my pump one week ago. Omnipod Dash with reader. It is not closed loop but I am happy with that as I feel in control. It is certainly a game changer! I was very apprehensive beforehand but now I love it. Main issue is nightime hypos. I treat with usual carbs but am unsure whether or not to set a temorary basal as well, say minus 90% for a couple of hours? This wasn't covered in the training. Also gardening always sends my bg plummeting. Should I set a temp basal b4 gardening or just treat hypo when it inevitably occurs? My first review with diabetes nurse is not until 8th April. Any advice for a newbie?

Agree with @PhoebeC & @Inka that you need to adjust your basal rates through nighttime.

Gardening hypos are common, surprising how much energy you can burn doing it, on injections I'd take on extra carbs whilst reducing previous bolus dose, on pump just set TBR hour or two before then see how it goes, chances are you might still need a snack depending to keep bg up but it's no hardship to have a nice biscuit with a coffee/tea.
Thank you all for your replies and helpful advice. Much appreciated! I emailed DNS yesterday so awaiting reply. Before gardening yesterday morning I had a coffee and pastry which helped but not good for the waistline! Before gardening after lunch I undergave for lunchtime carbs but still had hypo. Last night went to bed with BG at 12.1 so did not correct and awoke with BG 5.4. Can I adjust the night time basal rate myself? Is there a lag effect? e.g do I lower for the witching hours or beforehand in anticipation? Another question..can I alter the POD alarm for expiry? Mine woke me up before 6am to say I had 4 hours to go. Can I change this to say 2 hours notice? Apologies for so many questions! Love Tulip x
Thank you all for your replies and helpful advice. Much appreciated! I emailed DNS yesterday so awaiting reply. Before gardening yesterday morning I had a coffee and pastry which helped but not good for the waistline! Before gardening after lunch I undergave for lunchtime carbs but still had hypo. Last night went to bed with BG at 12.1 so did not correct and awoke with BG 5.4. Can I adjust the night time basal rate myself? Is there a lag effect? e.g do I lower for the witching hours or beforehand in anticipation? Another question..can I alter the POD alarm for expiry? Mine woke me up before 6am to say I had 4 hours to go. Can I change this to say 2 hours notice? Apologies for so many questions! Love Tulip x
Hi, yes if you go into Basal programmes you can edit or create new programmes, this is how much insulin you have in 24 hours. This then shows you the amount of basal in time segments which you can amend as needed.
I would wait until you speak with your DSN. But below is the basics and what I would do.

If you are high before bed then you want to amend around 1-2 hours before the raise starts, but then if you are dropping down at another point have a think about reducing at another point overnight. Don't adjust by too much, do small amounts .05 of a unit at a time, then give it a few days before you make more changes, its about patterns. So if you notice the same pattern over 3-4 days then make a small adjustment.

I had 4 different basal settings on the omnipod Dash.

Alarm for expiry you can have between 1 - 24 hours, mine is set based on when I change the pod, if I change at 6am, I don't want it going off at 5am, so before bed, 14 hours is handy. I do change mine often as needed. On my days in the office sometimes I change my pod first thing, because I might not know when I will be back home, or if I have had one come off in middle of the night it then telling me next time with 24 hours notice wakes the house up 😱
Thank you all for your replies and helpful advice. Much appreciated! I emailed DNS yesterday so awaiting reply. Before gardening yesterday morning I had a coffee and pastry which helped but not good for the waistline! Before gardening after lunch I undergave for lunchtime carbs but still had hypo. Last night went to bed with BG at 12.1 so did not correct and awoke with BG 5.4. Can I adjust the night time basal rate myself? Is there a lag effect? e.g do I lower for the witching hours or beforehand in anticipation? Another question..can I alter the POD alarm for expiry? Mine woke me up before 6am to say I had 4 hours to go. Can I change this to say 2 hours notice? Apologies for so many questions! Love Tulip x

I don’t have the Omnipod, but I’d adjust the basal rate an hour or two before the time you’re hypoing, depending on what insulin you’re using and how fast you’re falling. My basal profile clearly shows how much my insulin needs vary over 24hrs. The lowest hourly rates are late evening/early morning. For one hour I need zero insulin, for example.

Don’t change anything if you’re not confident in doing so, but basically yes, pump users should be able to adjust their basal rates and know how to do so to solve problems. If it’s early days for you, you’ll probably want to check with your DSN, but knowing how to do so yourself in future is very helpful.

It sounds like you’ve made a good start in trying to sort the gardening hypos. I too find that even light gardening causes hypos. I use a mix of strategies, including putting a reduced temp basal rate on, starting it one to two hours before my gardening start time, reducing my meal bolus if I’m gardening after a meal, drinking a 150ml can of Coke beforehand (and during , if needed) and having a snack. I find the Coke gives an initial burst of glucose and then the snack gives a longer burst. I tend to choose sweeter snacks. I also keep Dextro tablets or sweets in my pocket for top-ups.
Thanks to everyone for your replies. Much appreciated. I have now had my first pump prep meeting and it is proposed that I start with the Omnipod dash to get used to a pump and which I can use with my Dexcom G7. In the meantime my brother in law has spare smartphones from previous defunct contracts so I will see if any of these are on the compatability lists. Closed loop with G7 is apparently coming soon so I will wait for that whilst using the dash. I hope to get my pump in the next few weeks so will let you know how it goes! Love Tulip x

How exciting @Tulip29 !

And the great thing about the lack-of-contract with Omnipod is that clinics seem happy for people to swap between them without having to wait several years!

Let us know how you get on 🙂
How exciting @Tulip29 !

And the great thing about the lack-of-contract with Omnipod is that clinics seem happy for people to swap between them without having to wait several years!

Let us know how you get on 🙂
And again you aren’t stuck with it if it doesn’t work out.
I think the flexibility of the Omnipod is one of the huge benefits.
Hello again lovely people, Still no reply from DNS to my message left last Wednesday! Had an MRI today so had to disconnect POD and cgm beforehand. BG was 4.4 so drank juice and ate 2 biscuits to prevent hypo during 40 minute scan. Set up new POD and applied new cgm in changing room afterwards and thought all was well. Noooo! BG just kept going up and up 20.6 and Ketones 0.8. I injected a correction dose with my pen, changed the POD and drank 3 glasses of water. Hope I did the right thing. BG now 4.9 Phew! That was scary!
Can someone tell me how to deal with the clocks going forward on Sunday. Will it mess up the basal programme or do I just change the time on the reader before I go to bed and hope for the best?
N.B. I have been suspending my insulin for 2 hours at bedtime to counteract the nighttime hypos and have changed my breakfast ratio from 1:7 to 1:9 to prevent BG plummeting after breakfast.