Hello everyone, I am soon to come off the waiting list for an insulin pump and would like to choose the omnipod. So far, good news! I currently use the Dexcom 7 cgm and deliver my Levemir and Novorapid using pens. I was changed from the libre 2 cgm to the Dexcom 7 because, after having lymph nodes removed as part of surgery for breast cancer, I cannot have any type of needle on my left arm. Dexcom 7 therefore gives me more options to vary the sites as I can also use the abdomen. Its also great getting 3 months supplies delivered at a time instead of numerous trips to pharmacy for libre 2. I have now heard that omnipod cannot be used with dexcom 7 unless one has a smartphone to act as the controller. I have a basic mobile phone for calls and texts on a pay as you go basis but it is not a smartphone. I am now worried that I will be denied the benefits of the omnipod for this reason. Is anyone else facing this predicament and has found a solution?