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Omnipod without a smartphone


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello everyone, I am soon to come off the waiting list for an insulin pump and would like to choose the omnipod. So far, good news! I currently use the Dexcom 7 cgm and deliver my Levemir and Novorapid using pens. I was changed from the libre 2 cgm to the Dexcom 7 because, after having lymph nodes removed as part of surgery for breast cancer, I cannot have any type of needle on my left arm. Dexcom 7 therefore gives me more options to vary the sites as I can also use the abdomen. Its also great getting 3 months supplies delivered at a time instead of numerous trips to pharmacy for libre 2. I have now heard that omnipod cannot be used with dexcom 7 unless one has a smartphone to act as the controller. I have a basic mobile phone for calls and texts on a pay as you go basis but it is not a smartphone. I am now worried that I will be denied the benefits of the omnipod for this reason. Is anyone else facing this predicament and has found a solution?
Hi @Tulip29
I do not have any experience of Omnipod, but I am sure that others will come along who have.

If you have limited sites for the pod and there are issues around needing a smartphone, have you considered other pumps. I use a tubed pump, which I know is not to everyone’s taste, and this allows me to position the small cannula in a variety of sites, including flank, abdomen and rear. The pump can them be positioned anywhere you fancy. The sensor is recommended to be on the arm but is only changed once a week so not so many sites used as for the pod. There are examples of tubed pumps that will link with Libre but I am not sure whether they require a smart phone .

I use the Medtronic and their own sensors which does not require me to use a phone, but I have to access the pump to deliver bo,uses and respond to alerts/alarms. I choose to use their app on my phone to download the data from my pump each night, but it it is also possible to do this on a laptop.
Maybe time to get a smartphone? They are increasingly becoming the norm and do help you access a wide range of services
It's Dexcom G6 that combines with Omnipod 5 to make it a HCL system, I use stomach sides & even chest area for sensors with no issues whatsoever.

As @Tdm says switching to smartphone gives you so much more options like using Dexcom G6 app & Clarity app then links to it, wouldn't be without my phone & much prefer it to any reader beforehand.
Hello everyone, I am soon to come off the waiting list for an insulin pump and would like to choose the omnipod. . I have a basic mobile phone for calls and texts on a pay as you go basis but it is not a smartphone. I am now worried that I will be denied the benefits of the omnipod for this reason. Is anyone else facing this predicament and has found a solution?
Both Omnipod Dash and Omnipod 5 come with their own controller in the UK. In the USA there is an app approved which takes the place of the controller but it isn't available in the UK yet. It's the Dexcom that requires the phone if you want to use closed loop.

You can get a cheap one which will work for about £20. The Dexcom itself talks to the Omnipod 5 - the controller is only used to input carbs.
If on libre 2 plus then its the handset only and the handset I do not like at all. Much preferred the libre app and the older dash handset. Wish it could be on my phone. They seem cheaply made, which they are hence the better cost and roll out.

Handset is not as hardy as most smart phones which are now stronger, waterproof etc.

Worth getting a cheap smart phone in my opinion. Hope it goes smoothly for you.
Thanks to everyone for your replies. Much appreciated. I have now had my first pump prep meeting and it is proposed that I start with the Omnipod dash to get used to a pump and which I can use with my Dexcom G7. In the meantime my brother in law has spare smartphones from previous defunct contracts so I will see if any of these are on the compatability lists. Closed loop with G7 is apparently coming soon so I will wait for that whilst using the dash. I hope to get my pump in the next few weeks so will let you know how it goes! Love Tulip x