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Omnipod user for 2 years and I've felt unwell since then. Could it be Fiasp?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been Type 1 since 1970, reasonably well controlled so I'm still youthful and active and otherwise healthy. I moved onto an Omnipod with Freestyle ** Libre 2 years ago, at exactly the same time as my husband and I separated. The marriage hadn't been good for a long time, so in many ways it came as a relief, though I did go through a period of feeling low for some months after. My symptoms were tiredness, a constant tight band round my head and feelings (hard to describe) that my head had shrunk in some way! I accepted this was probably depression and everyone told me it would fade away. But it never has. If anything, it's got worse. My GP has tried changing my doses of blood pressure meds (no change), my blood pressure is generally OK and stable, I've seen a neurologist (I'm fine). I've discussed this feeling frequently in the hospital pump clinic.
My sodium and iron levels have been checked and are OK.
No one can find a cause, and I'm left feeling that there might be some underlying cause that no one has thought of. Clinic says it's not possible to have any kind of bodily reaction to wearing an electronic device and they have even discussed this with Omnipod, who have never heard of similar reactions. [** Since 2024 I've been moved onto Dexcom, which I dislike as it irritates my skin, but that's a different matter!]
I'm now asking myself if anyone has any observations about Fiasp insulin, which I've used since the outset on the pump as it is quick-acting. I realise I may be grasping at straws, but then I don't know anyone else with a pump, so there might be someone out there who can offer a suggestion no one has thought of.
Sorry about your marriage and depression, hope your doing better mentally now.

I am on fiasp and I feel generally well most of the time.

What are your current symptoms?
I agree with @helli Rule out the Fiasp. It sounds like a tension/muscular headache to me @ellietj After a very stressful period of my life, I developed an excruciating headache. I had it most days. Some days it was ‘just’ painful, but other days it was unbearable. I tried everything.

By chance, I worked out that it was to do with a stress reaction. I wasn’t aware I was doing it, but every night I kind of set my face in a certain way as I lay down (hard to explain but it was a subtle, subconscious positioning). It was this that was the cause of my headaches! After a week or two of consciously training myself not to do that, the headaches disappeared.
As above I’d rule out Fiasp being involved in how you’re feeling by contacting your DSN and discussing a trial of a different insulin.

I changed from Humalog to Lyumjev last year- not the same I realise- but I have felt so much better since using Lyumjev. I didn’t realise how ‘off’ for want of a better expression I had been feeling on Humalog but changing insulin has helped me feel so much better. I can’t explain what is better but it is.

Definitely worth a try of a different insulin for a few weeks to see if it has any effect.

I hope you can find something that helps you.
Headaches can sometimes be from problem in your neck. Many have poor posture particularly when using the computer for extended periods of time as people often do these days. A chiropractor may be able to help but certainly worth ruling out your insulin being the cause.
Sorry to hear what a tricky time you’ve been having @ellietj

You’ve had a lot going on for the past couple of years so it would be very difficult to work out what was causing your unusual and unpleasant sensations.

I had something of a reaction to Fiasp (one or two of us on the forum had similar, but most get on really well with it). Mine was more like a site irritation, itching/pain when boluses were being delivered, and a general unpredictability / insulin resistance to the insulin itself.

Hope you get to the bottom of what’s causing the fatigue and headaches.
Sorry to hear what a tricky time you’ve been having @ellietj

You’ve had a lot going on for the past couple of years so it would be very difficult to work out what was causing your unusual and unpleasant sensations.

I had something of a reaction to Fiasp (one or two of us on the forum had similar, but most get on really well with it). Mine was more like a site irritation, itching/pain when boluses were being delivered, and a general unpredictability / insulin resistance to the insulin itself.

Hope you get to the bottom of what’s causing the fatigue and headaches.
Thanks for your thoughts. It's interesting to hear mention of general unpredictability, as I have felt Fiasp to be rather unpredictable for some time.
Headaches can sometimes be from problem in your neck. Many have poor posture particularly when using the computer for extended periods of time as people often do these days. A chiropractor may be able to help but certainly worth ruling out your insulin being the cause.
Thank you. You could be right. I've spent a lot of time over a hot keyboard of late!
As above I’d rule out Fiasp being involved in how you’re feeling by contacting your DSN and discussing a trial of a different insulin.

I changed from Humalog to Lyumjev last year- not the same I realise- but I have felt so much better since using Lyumjev. I didn’t realise how ‘off’ for want of a better expression I had been feeling on Humalog but changing insulin has helped me feel so much better. I can’t explain what is better but it is.

Definitely worth a try of a different insulin for a few weeks to see if it has any effect.

I hope you can find something that helps you.
Thank you. The clinic has suggested moving onto Novorapid and comparing the results, which I'm happy enough to do, although I'm not thrilled with the thought of going back to bolusing 15 minutes before eating. They suggested Lyumjev as being the other fast-acting insulin but told me it wasn't suitable for a pump and that people complained of painful sensations when a bolus was being delivered. Not a good selling point!
I agree with @helli Rule out the Fiasp. It sounds like a tension/muscular headache to me @ellietj After a very stressful period of my life, I developed an excruciating headache. I had it most days. Some days it was ‘just’ painful, but other days it was unbearable. I tried everything.

By chance, I worked out that it was to do with a stress reaction. I wasn’t aware I was doing it, but every night I kind of set my face in a certain way as I lay down (hard to explain but it was a subtle, subconscious positioning). It was this that was the cause of my headaches! After a week or two of consciously training myself not to do that, the headaches disappeared.
Thank you. That's a thought worth my considering. It's good to have people thinking laterally about a problem like this one!
Fiasp user here using omnipod pump & not had any issues so far, only way to rule out if fiasp is causing issues is to change insulin as @helli suggests, originally started off on omnipod using novorapid insulin so that might be an option, best discuss possibility with your dsn.