Omnipod training NHS


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have my Omnipod trading in 2 weeks, it’s my first time switching to a pump and I’m wondering if I need to chase up my doctors/ diabetes team on updating my prescription?

I like to think everything will be taken care of but I don’t want to turn up to training without a Libre 2 plus and no vial of insulin.
Welcome @aidanphillips 🙂 I’d phone them just to check. Your hospital team should email them but I’d still phone to make sure your new items will be on it and you’ve got time to have them ordered and ready for you to collect. It was a long time ago I got my pump (20+ years) but I remember collecting my new prescription a week or so before my training.
I would check with your DSN. When I had my training, I received my Dexcom a week or so before training to get it started (I think with Libre you need to start it at the same time as the pod) and I was able to pick up my insulin 30 mins before the training from the hospital pharmacy.

Unrelated to your question, but if you are coming from MDI (I did too), make sure you check with the hospital as well whether and how much you will need to reduce your long acting insulin the day before.

Hope your training will go well, the Omnipod is a great bit of kit!
I have my Omnipod trading in 2 weeks, it’s my first time switching to a pump and I’m wondering if I need to chase up my doctors/ diabetes team on updating my prescription?

I like to think everything will be taken care of but I don’t want to turn up to training without a Libre 2 plus and no vial of insulin.

Best to ring pump clinic & ask now than leave it till nearer time of training. Own clinic sent out letter to my GP surgery detailing prescription changes so had insulin vials about week before change over to pump.
My DSN sent the letter to my GP asking for the change to the insulin bottles so I took this to my training appointment. I would give them a call and find out if you need to do anything. I’ve heard others have needed to take food along.
Also I needed half my background insulin on that day too and I worked out that amount with the DSN team.
Good luck.
Just had my omnipod training, all good! it’s a lot of information to digest in a 3 hour session but hopefully I pick it up in the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone who replied!
Just had my omnipod training, all good! it’s a lot of information to digest in a 3 hour session but hopefully I pick it up in the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone who replied!
DId you get the omnipod on prescription by any chance? Also, how did you sign up for the training?