Omnipod? Thoughts please :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

After a very long and frustrating epic journey to sort out basals, my DSN has finally started coming around to the idea of giving me a pump.

Some background - I've been diabetic for 23 years, and have been on Lantus, Toujeo, Levemir and Humulin I (current one) over the years - Levemir was the best one but of course, I developed an allergy to it. Currently with Humulin I (split dose) I can keep figures within range from around 1pm - 9pm, however overnight and in the mornings all semblence of control flies out the window. Last night was a typical example - pre dinner 5.1, 2 hours post dinner 6.3, 4 hours post dinner/pre bed 6.4. This morning woke up on a 15.8! 😡

Yesterday morning I woke up so high the machine just said HI. Felt like I'd been run over by a truck, called in sick to work. Got on the diabetes rollercoaster and ended up hypoing, rebounding, hypoing again, then levelling out. Very frustrating day yesterday. Luckily, the weekend previously I'd sent all my Libre data to the DSN to have a look at. She called in response to this, and given the great big strop I was in yesterday about having to take a day off work, I let rip at the poor woman.

Upside - she's now taking my requests for a pump seriously (whereas previously she was deflecting with 'you don't fall within NICE guidelines for a pump - hba1c 55 atm). I've been waiting to do DAFNE for 3 years. Yes, 3 YEARS. She is now going to try and push me forward as an 'urgent' case to try and get me in. She says it probably still won't be until next year.

Sooooooooo, given that we might actually be able to make some progress with this, I have been eyeing up the Omnipod. The DSN confirmed for me yesterday that it is funded in our area, and I apparently have a good case for one because I go horse riding and want to be tube free. So really, this very long winded post is to ask:-

1. What is process for getting a pump generally speaking? I'm assuming a consultant/dr has to sign off on getting a pump?
2. Could anyone on an Omnipod share their pros/cons with me please?

Thanks all 🙂
If you go on the omnipod website you can order a demo 🙂
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