Omnipod self funding

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am currently on a list for a pump but for various reasons, I was considering self funding.

What puts me off a pump is the tubing, so I probably would opt for the Omnipod patch pump. Does anyone self fund this at the moment and have any issues with it?

To any self funders, do you need to pay for the full year or can it be paid monthly? Is this a realistic option or would it be too expensive an option?

Thank you!
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I am not actually sure you can self fund here in the UK unless you go via a private consultant. I think this is because pump therapy needs significant support from trained clinicians in the early weeks and months particularly, so it could prove very expensive paying for that support privately, unless your clinic are happy to support you with a self funded pump and if they are..... is the Omnipod one that they are trained to offer support with. They are not just "plug and play" items but need a lot of setting up and tweaking to your individual body's needs over a period of weeks, even the closed loop systems.
Apologies if you already know all this but your post just seemed to suggest that you expect a pump to just take over and manage your levels and I believe it is a lot more complex than that!
Welcome @kirsc Dont be put off by the tubing. It’s tiny and not in the way at all. It also gives you flexibility to move your cannula site and disconnect.

I doubt Omnipod would sell you pods. You’d need to be approved and set up for funding. While you’re waiting, use the time to investigate all the pumps you clinic offers.
@kirsc I do not understand what difference it makes to your driving whether you have a pump or not.
As others have said, you cannot just "buy" any pumps.

There is definitely a "tube camp" and a "patch camp" when it comes to choosing pumps.
I had no choice for my first pump so had a tubed one. Like @Inka says, the tubing is small and you have the option to move the pump around between set changes (every 3 days).
However, I now have a patch pump and prefer it. As it is placed on a "fatty area" I do not find the need to move it around. I do miss disconnecting it at times such as for exercise or spas.

It is good to have an idea what you want but, as you can only get a pump from your clinic (unless you want to pay for a private clinic), I would strongly advise talking to them about what pumps are on offer. OmniPod is not available in my clinic. But it is not the only patch pump.
I think there are a lot of other factors that you need to consider rather than just tubing or patch pump when you choose a pump. Not to mention what pumps your clinic can support - even if you were to be able to self-fund.

For example I had 2 Roche Combi pumps over 8 years. They would deliver 0.01u of insulin per hour. My control was extremely good with those pumps. I was then changed to the Omnipod Dash. What I didn't realise was that the Omnipod will only go as low as 0.05u per hour - tiny amounts yes, but I'm extremely insulin sensitive and 0.02u an hour can make a huge difference and it's not possible to do that with the Omnipod... my control has slipped since having this pump. There are many other factors you need to research, but first I would find out what pumps your clinic can support.
I am not actually sure you can self fund here in the UK unless you go via a private consultant. I think this is because pump therapy needs significant support from trained clinicians in the early weeks and months particularly, so it could prove very expensive paying for that support privately, unless your clinic are happy to support you with a self funded pump and if they are..... is the Omnipod one that they are trained to offer support with. They are not just "plug and play" items but need a lot of setting up and tweaking to your individual body's needs over a period of weeks, even the closed loop systems.
Apologies if you already know all this but your post just seemed to suggest that you expect a pump to just take over and manage your levels and I believe it is a lot more complex than that!
Hi thanks for your reply. I am aware of what is involved with the set up etc of a pump, and this has all been discussed with my team. I’m on the list, but exploring options to speed up the process.
Welcome @kirsc Dont be put off by the tubing. It’s tiny and not in the way at all. It also gives you flexibility to move your cannula site and disconnect.

I doubt Omnipod would sell you pods. You’d need to be approved and set up for funding. While you’re waiting, use the time to investigate all the pumps you clinic offers.
Thanks for your reply. I am on the list for a pump, but just wondering if I can speed things up by self funding. I believe if you have the support of your team it is an option.
Thanks for your reply. I am on the list for a pump, but just wondering if I can speed things up by self funding. I believe if you have the support of your team it is an option.
I suggest you discuss this with your team.
Within my clinic, the delay in getting a pump was for the team to be available for training, etc. rather than funding.
Thanks for your reply. I am on the list for a pump, but just wondering if I can speed things up by self funding. I believe if you have the support of your team it is an option.

It depends what the delay is. Sometimes it’s a shortage of trainers. Do you know how long you’re going to have to wait?
@kirsc I do not understand what difference it makes to your driving whether you have a pump or not.
As others have said, you cannot just "buy" any pumps.

There is definitely a "tube camp" and a "patch camp" when it comes to choosing pumps.
I had no choice for my first pump so had a tubed one. Like @Inka says, the tubing is small and you have the option to move the pump around between set changes (every 3 days).
However, I now have a patch pump and prefer it. As it is placed on a "fatty area" I do not find the need to move it around. I do miss disconnecting it at times such as for exercise or spas.

It is good to have an idea what you want but, as you can only get a pump from your clinic (unless you want to pay for a private clinic), I would strongly advise talking to them about what pumps are on offer. OmniPod is not available in my clinic. But it is not the only patch pump.
Thank you for your reply. Omnipod is an option with my team. We have discussed options s but we’re needing to wait to see the budget situation.
Thank you for your reply. Omnipod is an option with my team. We have discussed options s but we’re needing to wait to see the budget situation.

You can request a free pod from manufacturer to wear to see what you think of it, obviously you won't get controller so no chance of inserting cannula.

Been Omnipod user throughout, like yourself choose it because it was tube free pump, had very few issues with it & really like it.
You can request a free pod from manufacturer to wear to see what you think of it, obviously you won't get controller so no chance of inserting cannula.

Been Omnipod user throughout, like yourself choose it because it was tube free pump, had very few issues with it & really like it.
Thank you for confirming my thoughts! Unfortunately the tubed pumps wouldn’t be ideal for my daily lifestyle, plus I do work with others who have pumps and it’s the tubed pumps that give them the issues too. I have an appointment at the hospital within the next couple of months so hopefully will have a better idea of what is happening (or not!) then. I might contact Omnipod though and see about the dummy pod. Thanks!
Thank you for confirming my thoughts! Unfortunately the tubed pumps wouldn’t be ideal for my daily lifestyle, plus I do work with others who have pumps and it’s the tubed pumps that give them the issues too. I have an appointment at the hospital within the next couple of months so hopefully will have a better idea of what is happening (or not!) then. I might contact Omnipod though and see about the dummy pod. Thanks!

If you do start on omnipod just be sure to clean skin with alcohol wipe & allow to dry before applying, that way pod will stay firm to skin for 3 day duration.
If you do start on omnipod just be sure to clean skin with alcohol wipe & allow to dry before applying, that way pod will stay firm to skin for 3 day duration.
Thank you. I’ve currently got the Libre and seem to be okay keeping them on so fingers crossed the Omnipod would be the same if I can get one. I was advised to wash my arm with shampoo and water first too. Apparently it seems to degrease the skin! It works for me.
Thank you. I’ve currently got the Libre and seem to be okay keeping them on so fingers crossed the Omnipod would be the same if I can get one. I was advised to wash my arm with shampoo and water first too. Apparently it seems to degrease the skin! It works for me.

Yes degrease skin, good way of putting it.
Self funding is possible for Omnipod. Its £300 a month excluding VAT for the pods and use of the PDM.
however you need approval from your diabetes doctor who will need to arrange training.
now they do have online training but most people prefer in person so that is where delays happen
i am in a situation where my minimed warranty expires october and due to hospital nurses taking leave and delays i still have not had funding approval started but my concern was I have a ton of issues with infusion sets and t slim use same sets as minimed so want to test omnipod but hospital dont want to fund for 2 months only so im exploring self funding for 2 months to try it but get hospital to be happy with online training as I am pretty good with tech so dont need in person training. then I will see if I like it and if so will tell hospital to apply for funding for omnipod. should be easier for funding that way as no need to arrange training again.
If you are in the London/South East area, there is a private clinic in Marylebone called London Medical where they have a private diabetes team. I believe they can supply Omnipod and lots of other diabetes tech. I've never tried it myself (apart from getting some eye problems sorted) and have no idea of cost, but it won't be cheap.
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