omnipod question

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i have just had a nurse visit me at home to demonstrate the omnipod dash he showed me how to use the pdm but i did not under stand whether it could stack boluses as in adding a bolus correction like 2 hrs latter after a meal ,will it work out whats left of the first bolus and add the correction to the total thanks.
Yes, no problem. Just open the bolus calculator, insert the extra carb quantity and your current BG if you know it, and the PDM will work out the additional bolus/correction based on those figures and any insulin on board (IOB).

I've been with the Dash now for 6+ months and am happy to help with any questions if I can.
Yes, no problem. Just open the bolus calculator, insert the extra carb quantity and your current BG if you know it, and the PDM will work out the additional bolus/correction based on those figures and any insulin on board (IOB).

I've been with the Dash now for 6+ months and am happy to help with any questions if I can.
that was quick reply thanks ,i have never used my present 640g pump to calculate the bolus i always calculate my self and because what BG is at that moment and insulin to carb ratio for the time of day and activity so would that work ok for stacking .also he said fiasp insulin is not recommended for omnipods what quick acting insulin do you use .
Well all pumps are the same whether the memory and calculator are within the pump itself or the PDM/handset. They know what the BG is, they know exactly how much insulin you've had and what time you had it hence it works out either corrections or boluses, or both, using that info.

It's now 2 hours ish since lunch so let's see - BG 11.4, then I pressed the 'Bolus' button and it told me I needed 0.4u correction, so I've had that.

Lunch was a beef sandwich but as it was 2 slices of bread from an unsliced small bloomer, I guessed at 35g carb which obviously wasn't quite enough. My pump handset shows the correction on a different line of the results screen to the any bolus amount if I've wanted to bolus too, with them added together at the bottom of same screen. I then press 'Deliver' and the pump delivers it. Presumably the Dash PDM does something very similar.

Whilst I can calculate my own boluses NP (at 1u per 10g, that shouldn't be a prob!) what I cannot do with any conviction is to calculate my own IOB right now this very minute, esp if I guessed the carb when I last bolussed. As the handset for my pump is also my BG meter and they communicate via Bluetooth anyway, I'm more than happy to just carry on doing this. I presume the Dash PDM and the Dash are something very similar.
I have not used an Omnipod, but on both my Combo and my current 780 G I use the bolus calculator, since this then includes the active insulin/Insulin on board in the calculation. I also used the bolus calculator on my handset when I was on MDI For the same reason.

I have used both Fiasp and Novorapid in a Combo. The impact was that I reduced the pre bolus time at each meal. I also found that the pump reacted more quickly to temporary basal rates that I set. However this did not last for me, and I reacted to whatever they had added to the insulin to make it quicker, so ended up with painful skanky cannula sites and had to change them every day.

Sorry not to be able to help with Omnipod specific advice.
The Dash PDM doesn't include a BG meter so you have to manually insert your current BG obtained from whatever device you use to measure it into the bolus calculator.
Hi m1dnc the nurse said fiasp is not recommended with the omnipod I was thinking that novolog aspart insulin is a quick insulin to use what insulin do you use.
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The Dash PDM doesn't include a BG meter so you have to manually insert your current BG obtained from whatever device you use to measure it into the bolus calculator.
I use libre 1 at the moment with MM transmitter and xdrip+ app on phone.
Well all pumps are the same whether the memory and calculator are within the pump itself or the PDM/handset. They know what the BG is, they know exactly how much insulin you've had and what time you had it hence it works out either corrections or boluses, or both, using that info.

It's now 2 hours ish since lunch so let's see - BG 11.4, then I pressed the 'Bolus' button and it told me I needed 0.4u correction, so I've had that.

Lunch was a beef sandwich but as it was 2 slices of bread from an unsliced small bloomer, I guessed at 35g carb which obviously wasn't quite enough. My pump handset shows the correction on a different line of the results screen to the any bolus amount if I've wanted to bolus too, with them added together at the bottom of same screen. I then press 'Deliver' and the pump delivers it. Presumably the Dash PDM does something very similar.

Whilst I can calculate my own boluses NP (at 1u per 10g, that shouldn't be a prob!) what I cannot do with any conviction is to calculate my own IOB right now this very minute, esp if I guessed the carb when I last bolussed. As the handset for my pump is also my BG meter and they communicate via Bluetooth anyway, I'm more than happy to just carry on doing this. I presume the Dash PDM and the Dash are something very similar.
I was clarifying the bolus stacking to make sure as i did read on another pump site that it did not stack the same i cannot remember what the pump was perhaps the Dana rs it was quite some time ago but thank you for your post.
I do not have an OmniPod but mine (Medtrum) calculates IOB and incorporated this when calculating future doses. Importantly for me, I am able to easily override the recommendation.
Hi m1dnc the nurse said fiasp is not recommended with the omnipod I was thinking that novolog aspart insulin is a quick insulin to use what insulin do you use.
I use novorapid (insulin aspart). I asked my consultant about fiasp a little while ago (before I switched to the Omnipod) and she was not very enthusiastic. Since then I've heard conflicting reports about fiasp - it seems to work well for some but not others. As novorapid works OK for me, I don't see the point in changing just for the sake of it.

I did change from humalog to novorapid a few years ago, but that was because I found that humalog gave me a stinging sensation as it was administered.
I understood from a friend who has an omnipod that because it’s much closer to the body than a tubed pump the insulin may go off quicker due to the body heat it’s subjected to. Maybe the make up of Fiasp renders it unsuitable for that reason. I use Apidra which is slightly quicker than Novorapid and am hoping for an Omnipod later this year. I hope I can continue to use Apidra which has suited me well.
I understood from a friend who has an omnipod that because it’s much closer to the body than a tubed pump the insulin may go off quicker due to the body heat it’s subjected to. Maybe the make up of Fiasp renders it unsuitable for that reason. I use Apidra which is slightly quicker than Novorapid and am hoping for an Omnipod later this year. I hope I can continue to use Apidra which has suited me well.
i hear what your saying but my present pump i keep 24/7 in a flexible sports belt next to my stomach and have been using which will be as warm with 6 days of insulin on board , i see Novolog Aspart is a rapid start insulin but not quite as quick as fiasp i will have to see what my new diabetic doc will say thanks for your post.
I have a patch pump and have been using Fiasp for nearly 2 years.
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