omnipod dash sites

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I only started an Omnipod Dash pump yesterday, I had put it on my abdomen during the online training, and was shocked to see blood coming from the pod this afternoon. I had to quickly grab the leaflets etc to remind me how to do a pod change which I did on my arm. I found this tricky to manage applying it with one hand only - can anyone give me helpful advice please on easier pod changes, and comfortable sites?! my freestyle sensor currently is on one of my thighs, to give my arm a rest.
Thank you
Hi @michelejane. Not to worry! Omnipods are definitely a learning curve! I haven't got the Dash but have the original (I believe the difference is that the Dash pods are smaller and there's the fancy new PDM!) I tend to to place my pods on my stomach and arms. Don't fret too much about the bleeding - this happens from time to time and is usually when the site becomes irritated (like lying on it in your sleep). I tend to try and use the further left and right sides of the stomach if this happens as they tend not to irritate as easily. In terms of arms, I had someone help me apply a pod to my arms for the first few months, but can now apply one-handed if there is a mirror nearby. You can also use your legs, and I was informed when I got my pod that you can use the lower parts of the back (where there are fatty, fleshy bits - though I'm not sure if you can with the new system)

How are you finding the Dash's PDM? Have you had any previous pumps or is this your first?

I hope this helps 🙂
Thank you so much for this! I was trying so hard not to lie on that side, I can see how I shall need to rotate sites for both the pod and the libre. All practice I guess!
Hi @michelejane. Not to worry! Omnipods are definitely a learning curve! I haven't got the Dash but have the original (I believe the difference is that the Dash pods are smaller and there's the fancy new PDM!) I tend to to place my pods on my stomach and arms. Don't fret too much about the bleeding - this happens from time to time and is usually when the site becomes irritated (like lying on it in your sleep). I tend to try and use the further left and right sides of the stomach if this happens as they tend not to irritate as easily. In terms of arms, I had someone help me apply a pod to my arms for the first few months, but can now apply one-handed if there is a mirror nearby. You can also use your legs, and I was informed when I got my pod that you can use the lower parts of the back (where there are fatty, fleshy bits - though I'm not sure if you can with the new system)

How are you finding the Dash's PDM? Have you had any previous pumps or is this your first?

I hope this helps 🙂
I have had a few pumps before this one, previous pump was the insight which was quite slow when programming. I'm sure the pod will be fantastic once I get used to it!
Thank you so much for this! I was trying so hard not to lie on that side, I can see how I shall need to rotate sites for both the pod and the libre. All practice I guess!
Not at problem! Always here to help! All practice indeed - find what works for you and stick to that I would say! I find that if the pump isn't uncomfortable to lie on then it should be fine, but if it feels sore or anything like that then try lying in a different position.

Keep us updated on how you're getting on and finding the Dash! My diabetic nurse tried to show me a demo model a few weeks ago but it wasn't charged so am intrigued to see how you find it!
will do. like everything you get so used to doing, when it changes it takes a bit of rethinking. Good for me to do though!
I just need to mentally plan which sites for both libre and Dash plus clothes for those days so looser trouser legs for libre and sleeves for the Dash until I am more confident with attaching it. Just little issues.
I like that it tells you how much insulin is 'on board' as I have always had the tendency to chase my tail instead of waiting for the insulin to do its job.
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