omnipod dash problem

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Ian S

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been experiencing highs after using the pdm to deliver insulin. I suspected that the pod had not delivered the insulin so upon replacement I used a different site and put it on the back of my upper arm. I usually use the front of my thighs or left/right abdomen. As I have used these 4 sites over the last couple of years I thought it time for a change. Dinner last night at 6pm should have needed 6units of insulin. 20 mins b4 eating I told the pdm to deliver a bolus of 9 units. 2 hours later, after a libre alarm, I was 16.1 (checked with fingerprick of 14.9). So, I gave myself another 2 units of insulin(novarapid) and an hour later bg still rising.
I then penned in 5 units of novarapid by injection and 1/2 hour later bg was falling. This suggested that the pod was not working. Upon removing the pod I told it to deliver 9 units of insulin and I observed that it was in fact delivering. Upon removal I checked that the back of the pod was clean and that the cannula popped out from under my skin. So, it looks like the pod was doing its work but that the body was not receiving it in the correct way.
Any suggestions before I go back to mdi of tresiba and novarapid?
I am 75 yrs old, quite slim and briskly walk a few miles daily…diagnosed type 1 at the age of 60
Hi @Ian S Sometimes the cannula can get bent going on or sometimes it can be in an area that simply has poor absorption. I’ve used a pump for almost 20 years and there are areas of my body that simply ‘don’t work’ for cannulas.

If you’ve had this problem since you started using the Dash, then perhaps the cannula type simply doesn’t suit you. I have a tubed pump and a choice of different cannulas. The ‘wrong’ cannula can mean high sugars like you’ve seen. I need different types of cannulas for different body areas - straight in, angled, Teflon, steel. There’s no choice with the Omnipod and other patch pumps.
I have been experiencing highs after using the pdm to deliver insulin. I suspected that the pod had not delivered the insulin so upon replacement I used a different site and put it on the back of my upper arm. I usually use the front of my thighs or left/right abdomen. As I have used these 4 sites over the last couple of years I thought it time for a change. Dinner last night at 6pm should have needed 6units of insulin. 20 mins b4 eating I told the pdm to deliver a bolus of 9 units. 2 hours later, after a libre alarm, I was 16.1 (checked with fingerprick of 14.9). So, I gave myself another 2 units of insulin(novarapid) and an hour later bg still rising.
I then penned in 5 units of novarapid by injection and 1/2 hour later bg was falling. This suggested that the pod was not working. Upon removing the pod I told it to deliver 9 units of insulin and I observed that it was in fact delivering. Upon removal I checked that the back of the pod was clean and that the cannula popped out from under my skin. So, it looks like the pod was doing its work but that the body was not receiving it in the correct way.
Any suggestions before I go back to mdi of tresiba and novarapid?
I am 75 yrs old, quite slim and briskly walk a few miles daily…diagnosed type 1 at the age of 60

If that's a one off wouldn't worry about it as it can happen just same with any other pump & cannulas.

Next time rub your finger along adhesive pad where cannula is position then smell your finger, if it smells of insulin then your bolus dose hasn't delivered or hasn't delivered all the dose, had this happen before but not to often thankfully.

Current pod is on my backside towards side, don't use this site much but get good absorption there.
Might it be the insulin? I had a similar situation a week or so back. I changed the pod, refilling the replacement from a different vial and it worked perfectly. So I threw the original vial away. I use so little that a vial lasts ages and ages and sometimes goes off. I only ever fill the pod with the minimum amount i.e. when the 2 beeps go off I squirt what's left in the syringe back into the vial.
Thanks for your comments. I did use a different vial today and put the pod on a different site…and all working well today. Spoke to diabetes nurse and she advised to always have a back up and suggested I get prescribed levimer as the basal was also not delivered and I had relatively high bg this morning.
Thanks for your comments. I did use a different vial today and put the pod on a different site…and all working well today. Spoke to diabetes nurse and she advised to always have a back up and suggested I get prescribed levimer as the basal was also not delivered and I had relatively high bg this morning.

Surprised you won't informed that you still need back up pens in case of pump failure, although I've used bolus pen odd times I've never used basal pen in over 10 years but still keep some in fridge & change when date expires.
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