Omnipod 5 Question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Yep, sorry, another Omnipod 5 question from me! We’re still having issues with some sort of weeping from under the pod. Using a Dash at the moment and it’s not every time, but every few pods after about a day there is some weird brown staining on it and nothing seems to go in. As a result Jo will go high and we will change the pod. Obviously need to get to the bottom of this. But my question is, if she was using an Omnipod 5 would this mess the algorithm up?
Hi Tom, I can't really answer your specific question as I am still waiting for our local ICB to get around to funding for the Omnipod 5, but as a long time Dash user I have some observations that might help.

I think the weird brown staining that you mentioned might be from a bit of blood that might leak from the cannula site on insertion. (I've also noticed this type of staining on the Dexcom 6 sensor from time to time.) I've never thought it much to worry about. It doesn't always coincide with the pod going "off" and needing changing prematurely.
I've had the brown staining and assumed it's blood. I usually find that if the pod goes off and I can't bring BGs down it's because I've filled it from a nearly empty vial and the insulin has gone "off". I only fill with the minimum needed as I don't need much insulin and I suspect that the vial has been in use more than 30 days, though I keep it in the fridge in between fills. I would imagine your daughter only needs minimal insulin too.
I've had the brown staining and assumed it's blood. I usually find that if the pod goes off and I can't bring BGs down it's because I've filled it from a nearly empty vial and the insulin has gone "off". I only fill with the minimum needed as I don't need much insulin and I suspect that the vial has been in use more than 30 days, though I keep it in the fridge in between fills. I would imagine your daughter only needs minimal insulin too.
We still use the pen refills so it’s one and done really. Need to get that prescription updated!
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