Omnipod 5 PDM battery life

Richard F

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been on this system and had the controller for 9 months. The last few days the controller is only lasting 10 hrs before the 15% battery life warning pops up. Anyone else had this?
My own lasts longer but needs charged every other day, but only lasting 10 hours would indicate that device is unnecessarily draining the battery for whatever reason.

In your position I'd ring customer support & get them to run through a fault check, if all else fails then they'll send out a replacement.
Thank you.

I've not paid much attention to it in the past. Just plugged it in at bedtime and unplugged in tye morning. It's always been okay.

I'm charging it now to 100% and see how long it lasts. I've also turned the brightness down a little and changed the screen time out from 2 to 1 min.