Omnipod 5 and Freestyle Libre 2 Plus Hybrid Closed Loop

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Is anyone currently trialling or using the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus hybrid closed loop?

If so (if you are trialling that specific system, assuming you have not signed a non disclosure agreement concerning the trial), might you be able/willing to say whether you are content or discontent with the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus HCL system and if so why?

Would be particularly interested to know if you have found the Freestyle Libre 2 Plus is providing accurate glucose readings (I assume those using the Libre 2 Plus are doing periodic fingerprick tests to check relative accuracy).

Also, whether you have noticed persistent signal loss issues with the Libre 2 Plus that a significant number of users of the current Freestyle Libre 2 have reported previously.

I'm due to speak to my Consultant and DSN in the next couple of months about the Omnipod 5 and Libre HCL and it would really help to hear from others.

Thank you!

Is anyone currently trialling or using the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus hybrid closed loop?

If so (if you are trialling that specific system, assuming you have not signed a non disclosure agreement concerning the trial), might you be able/willing to say whether you are content or discontent with the Omnipod 5/Freestyle Libre 2 Plus HCL system and if so why?

Would be particularly interested to know if you have found the Freestyle Libre 2 Plus is providing accurate glucose readings (I assume those using the Libre 2 Plus are doing periodic

fingerprick tests to check relative accuracy).

Also, whether you have noticed persistent signal loss issues with the Libre 2 Plus that a significant number of users of the current Freestyle Libre 2 have reported previously.

I'm due to speak to my Consultant and DSN in the next couple of months about the Omnipod 5 and Libre HCL and it would really help to hear from others.

Thank you!
I am on the libra 3 my DSN said this was going to be available on prescription alas it is not
I am hoping to have Omnipod 5 and Dexcom but I have been reading about Libra 2 Plus is that the same as Dexcom 6
When I spoke to my nurse last week she said all libre 2s will be updated to libre 2 plus via my gp this will be on prescription which will help the hospital get more people on the current Omnipod to the 5 as the sensor is already covered, she is pushing to get her current patients set up this way.
So at the moment no I’m not using HCL but it sounds like it will happen at some point.
I'm not on a pump or HCL (yet...) but I sent a Libre 2 sensor back to Abbott (more signal loss than actual monitoring!) who replaced it with a Libre 2 plus sensor - spoke to my healthcare team yesterday who said they will update my prescription (via my GP) to the Libre 2 plus with immediate effect as everyone on Libre 2 will eventually be migrated onto the Libre 2 plus
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