OMG just dropped to 3.2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I really cannot win !
Ah welcome the joyous land of the hypos! Trust me, you'll get this sorted and soon you'll be putting us all to shame with perfect numbers.

How are you now Dizzy?
How are you now Dizzy?

Hi Alison,

I seem to have cracked things and finally got my bs under control - they had gone haywire.

I moved my Levemir to 10 pm and have reduced this back to normal units.

I think Friday, i injected the novorapid (8.20 pm don't normally eat that late) and the levemir (9.00 pm) to close together.

Hope you are well.

Di x
Hi Dizzy

Hope things are staying stable for you today 🙂

Out of interest in relation to another thread (if you don't mind me asking)... What advice have you ever received about foods in relation to your insulin doses?

Have you been given some sort of basis to guestimate the amount/type of carbs in a meal, and whether it is likely to work well with your insulin dose(s).

Do you aim for a regular amount of carbs at each meal?

Do you alter your own doses if you've been exercising? Or would you only do that in contact with your D team?

Are you a weigh-and-measure type or more of a stab-in-the-dark person?

Hi Dizzy

Hope things are staying stable for you today 🙂

Out of interest in relation to another thread (if you don't mind me asking)... What advice have you ever received about foods in relation to your insulin doses?

Have you been given some sort of basis to guestimate the amount/type of carbs in a meal, and whether it is likely to work well with your insulin dose(s).

Do you aim for a regular amount of carbs at each meal?

Do you alter your own doses if you've been exercising? Or would you only do that in contact with your D team?

Are you a weigh-and-measure type or more of a stab-in-the-dark person?


Hi Everyday,

When I was first diagnosed - I was only on metformin and saw a dietician, lost 3 stone and have kept most of it of (put 4 lb back on), but 2 years down the line I need a little insulin etc.

I started on insultard 4 to 6 units and the consultant has been happy for me to adjust as I see fit. I kept having hypos on this and then everything went hay wire morning bs between 8 to 10 and eve anything up to 16.9.

He switched me to levemir which sorted out morning bs 5 weeks ago and then last week introduced the Novorapid to go with eve meal.

Sorry to woffle

The health care team have not really talked about food in relation to insulin. I have read all the threads on here re carbs to insulin ratio, but because I'm on such a low dose not really thought about trying to work it out.

I do alter my doses accordingly. Last week I was up to 11 units of Levemir and over the weekend I have dropped it to 8. I got a bs of 5.1 this morning and was intending to reduce to 7 tonight to see if I can still get between 5 & 6.

With regards to meal I have cereal for breakfast everyday (porridge, branflakes, wheetabix or shreddies), generally a brown or seeded roll for lunch. Evenings I alternative with jacket potato (bout 120g), brown rice (50g), Brown Pasta (50g) or cous cous with a variety of dishes (all home made) Thai mince, Spagetti bol, chilli (all done with turkey mince) and roast chicken breast etc and lots of veg.

Hope I've not gone on to much.

Di x
That's very interesting...

So assuming the 120g spud is before you cook it and the rice/pasta is dry weight, these look like they'd all be in the region of 30g carbs, plus whatever else you're adding in that might count (and I know this can be different for different T1s and T2s)

How did you arrive at those numbers? Was it your own trial an error?
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That's very interesting...

So assuming the 120g spud is before you cook it and the rice/pasta is dry weight, these look like they'd all be in the region of 30g carbs, plus whatever else you're adding in that might count (and I know this can be different for different T1s and T2s)

How did you arrive at those numbers? Was it your own trial an error?

Hi everyday,

The consultant initially told me what units to start with and then adjust accordingly. Reduce if need be after exercise etc.

As and when my needs change I will definitely look into carb counting.

Hope I've answered your questions sufficiently.

Di x
Thanks for sharing.

Sounds like you are carb counting already to me 🙂

Might be worth asking your team for a few more pointers though, as you've found out, it can be all too easy to dip below 4.0

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