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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all I’m a T1 Diabetic and have been diabetic now for 25+ years

The problem I have is, I’ve never been able to accept it - I know I have it. I accept all the complications and the fact I have it but it’s like it’s never kicked in.

My care is up and down but my hba1cs the last few years have been all over the place due to many complications with my pregnancies (all my beautiful boys are very healthy thank god)

My question is, does anyone else feel like they’re just stuck in a burnout? Constantly no matter what they do :( I’ve lost a lot of weight suddenly recently and I’m worried it’s all due to my inability to stop and care for myself

Thank you all for reading and in advance for any advice
Hi all I’m a T1 Diabetic and have been diabetic now for 25+ years

The problem I have is, I’ve never been able to accept it - I know I have it. I accept all the complications and the fact I have it but it’s like it’s never kicked in.

My care is up and down but my hba1cs the last few years have been all over the place due to many complications with my pregnancies (all my beautiful boys are very healthy thank god)

My question is, does anyone else feel like they’re just stuck in a burnout? Constantly no matter what they do :( I’ve lost a lot of weight suddenly recently and I’m worried it’s all due to my inability to stop and care for myself

Thank you all for reading and in advance for any advice
Hello @9T88,

Thank you so much for joining our online community and just being open and honest about how you feel about your diabetes. Diabetes Burnout is alive and well and we have quite a few members experience similar feelings as your own. I have shared a link below regarding Diabetes Burnout and also some threads that a similar to it.

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Welcome to the forum @9T88

So sorry to hear you have been having a tough time. Burnout is a real toughie, so big (((hugs))) to you.

First of all give yourself a huge amount of credit for successfully navigating not just one pregnancy with diabetes but multiple!!

Diabetes is associated with increased risk of depression and mental health challenges, so be kind to yourself, and don’t simply accept low mood as inevitable. Have you spoken to your GP about how tough you are finding things? Perhaps book an e-consult?

Even just having that conversation can be a real weight off, and your Dr may be able to refer you to talking therapies, social prescribing (groups or activities), or other forms of support that might really help.

One of the challenges with diabetes burnout and low mood is that diabetes refuses to stop or take a break. And low mood makes it harder to commit the effort and energy that effective management can require… but the resulting erratic BG levels then have a negative impact on mood… so it can be a vicious cycle.

But we are here to support and encourage you. To help you take small steps, to begin to chip away at it. You don’t have to fix it all at once, and hopefully with some suggestions and shared experiences from members here you can find a way to live more happily alongside your diabetes, and keep it in its box.
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