ok insulin requirements and illness!

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Anthony Neve

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys, ive been ill for the last week and finally feel like im over it (although my nose is still a bit stuffy). because i felt so rough last week i didnt do ANY exercise, just my normal day to day routine, no weights, no rowing etc.

Ive needed more insulin because of the illness but also because ive not been exercising.

How long does it normally take for you guys to start using your normal insulin to carb ratio again? tonight, i was 10 before dinner, worked out my carbs took my normal ratio amount of novorapid and now im 18.5! the scary thing is i dont feel like im 18, more like 12/13. Now i want to get back into weights tonight but i know from past experience that il get started but then feel like i have no energy / cant lift as much.

what the hell do i do? its been well over a year and a half since i was last ill and i cant remember the last time illness effected my diabetes like this.....

ive also been told that i shouldnt inject any more novorapid because its still at work and my levels should come down later (upto 5 hours after i injected). But surely my BG shouldnt be upto 18 odd and 1.5 hours after eating?! (it was a normal meal, the same sort of thing i normally eat).

:mad: i thought i was making progress recently but its all gone wrong AGAIN.

any thoughts anyone?
I find its different everytime Im ill. Im sure someone can offer better advice than me! I tend to just bumble through! :confused: Hope you feel better tho x
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thanks for that, i appreciate your reply. Ive fired off an email to my DN to see is she can shed some more light. Its just so frustrating!
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