Ok I'm confused now !

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I thought T1 were insulin dependant and Type 2 were tablets, excercise and diet. Reading a previous post about the number of T2's I noticed some posts were from T2's that are on insulin. Have I been thinking :confused:wrong for a year ?
Yes. Some start with exercise and diet often requiring oral medication and some need insulin
Most of the public have this misconseption that type 2 only need to exercise, diet and take tablets, the other misconseption is type 2 start out on tablets and diet and then later as it is a progressive disease you will in the long term need to go onto insulin
I was rushed into hospital and was diagnosed type 2, I spent 14 days there and have been on insulin since day 1. I inject 5 times a day

70 units Levimer @ 8am and 6pm..Novorapid 50 units @8am then 40units @midday and again @ 6pm
I am also type 2 and need to take Insulin. I even had an argument with a NURSE in hospital recently as she insisted I was type 1 if I was on Insulin and I insisted I was Type 2. She was not going to accept it, so in the end I told her to write whatever she liked. She did......saying I was Type 1 diabetic and Insulin dependant. :confused:
That is some insulin requirement John! I'm on 26 Levemir at night and Novorapid when I eat, carbs dependant, but usually 20-26.
its due to the body's insulin resistance which is why type 2 diabetics will generally require more insulin, type 1s don't have insulin resistance they just don't make it... pretty much the same or similar end result
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