OGTT and abnormal high and low readings- please help

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New Member
Hi all

Many thanks in advance for reading this post- I hope someone can help.... So, I've been having large swings in blood sugar (I'm currently diagnosed with reactive hypoglycaemia) for years -varying from anything less than 2.1-16+mmol. So, I was diagnosed with RH after an OGTT 3+ years ago, results being:
Fasting BM 4odd
30mins post 75g carb - 2.6
By the end of the test (I can't remember the specifics) 3odd
After this I was diagnosed with RH.

I had a repeat test a few months ago
Fasting - glucose(insulin) - 4.2 (5.7)
30mins 10.6 (52.7)
60min 11.4 (56.8)
120min 6.5 (16.7)
180min 2.8 (4.3)

I'm worried that this result may should I'm either heading towards, or have diabetes. As you can see I had no massive spike 3 years ago. I've over the last some months invested in a CGM just for 2 weeks to get an accurate record of results- this is where the 'I have readings 2.1 or less (the lowest the meter can record) to readings of 16+odd) comes from. Doing my own research - a random BM of greater than 11 + symptoms (several of which I feel I have-lots of eating/drinking and peeing!) means diabetes?
Has anyone else had readings like this pre diagnosis? The low readings (glucose with insulin) do fulfil the criteria of insulinoma and I am being investigated for this in the next few weeks. So scared I have both (those with insulinomas solely are generally just low,v low all the time)
Hello to you Emma.

Wish I could offer better help, having said that if your in any doubt at all go see your GP and tell them.

Insist on being seen and get some bloods don't etc, at the very least this will reassure you.
If you are being investigated for insulinoma, the tests are fairly specific and should give you an answer. Apart from the symptoms they produce, insulinomas are completely benign. The symptoms can sometimes be intermittent. They are very rare, though. The chances of you having diabetes and an insulinoma are vanishingly small. All you can do, really, is just keep the hypo treatment to hand until they do the insulinoma testing.
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