Officially in remission

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I saw a nurse this morning at the GP surgery and my status on their file was changed to diabetes in remission - and I discovered that she approves of low carbing.
There was the suggestion that my cholesterol was too high - but I gave her a printout of some information from BMJ open which contradicts current medical opinion on the benefits of reducing cholesterol using medication when there is no prior history of heart disease.
I'd like to have a lower Hba1c, but I suspect that my diabetes is of long standing, and the low calorie low fat high carb diets I have been put on over the decades have really done me no favours.
Well done on your achievement.
That is brilliant news . What an achievement.
Well done.
Thank you - though I have to confess it has not been all that difficult. I really do prefer the low carb diet
The lack of medical support has been a little disheartening - I have not seen my doctor since diagnosis, and the testing has been at my prompting - but I asked in April and got a test in July.
Ah -well - it does mean that I have to take responsibility - and maybe credit too.
Absolutely take the credit, not just for yourself but also for helping me and no doubt many others, find their way with low carb higher fat management of their diabetes, especially when medical professionals are mostly so negative towards it. Great to hear that your nurse is not just open to it but advocating it..... So far, the nurses and dieticians I have broached the subject with have been dismissive of it. I think they are all terrified of advocating we eat more fat and perhaps think that it gives a green light to eat lots more meat too. I would be really struggling to maintain any sort of stability with my BGs if I was following their advice and not particularly enjoying my food either. Increasing the fat content of my diet since I went very low carb has really ensured that I don't feel deprived and therefore helps make it sustainable long term, whereas normal low fat, normal carb diets just resulted in my weight yo-yoing in the past.
Anyway, many congratulations. I would be curious to see the BMJ article on cholesterol if you have a link. I have long suspected that high levels were not perhaps the huge concern that has been such a focus for the past 30 years.
Good for you Drummer
Congratulations Drummer, be proud 🙂
Well done Drummer, something we all aspire to x
Fabulous, well done, you are an inspiration. 🙂
Congratulations on your remission @Drummer 🙂
Absolutely fantastic!!!
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