Officially in remission!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just had my latest score in and it’s 39 with no meds, so my DN says I’m officially in remission! She doesn’t want to see me again till the summer when she’ll check feet and weight etc but now just a yearly hba1c. That’s 16 months in from a top level of 73 and I’ve now lost 3 stone and four pounds.
It’s been a real learning curve and not easy at times but I’m well pleased!
Wow, @Flakie, that's terrific news - well done, you!

Officially well done! All your hard work has got you there.🙂
Well done! Great that the hard work has paid off 🙂
That is fantastic news well done
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Great news, and well done Flakie. A more inappropriate username couldn’t be invented:D
Congratulations... 😛
Thanks all. Teadance - the weight just went to be honest once I’d cut the sugars out and the not so good carbs. I’ve never been able to lose weight before but I wasn’t even trying this time. I haven’t been this weight in nearly 40 years so I’m very pleased. So yes, cutting the carbs must have done it - I can’t say it was exercise as I loathe it! I did join the gym for six months but got bored so gave that up!
Well done @Flakie a credit to us all.🙂
Excellent! Congrats, Flakie.
Well done Flakie
Huge well done @Flakie . You got there and have maintained it, which is,the key.
That’s brilliant, @Flakie. Good for you!!!😛:D😛
Fantastic! An inspiration. 🙂
Fabulous achievement @Flakie 🙂
Couldn't be more pleased for you @Flakie ! 🙂 Well done! Now, don't be a stranger, we need to keep you on your toes 🙂
Just had my latest score in and it’s 39 with no meds, so my DN says I’m officially in remission! She doesn’t want to see me again till the summer when she’ll check feet and weight etc but now just a yearly hba1c. That’s 16 months in from a top level of 73 and I’ve now lost 3 stone and four pounds.
It’s been a real learning curve and not easy at times but I’m well pleased!
Well down you! Such an achievement. Should be very proud x
Amazing result, well done you!
Brill, Flakie! Well done.

Keep doing whatever you're doing!
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