Officially in remission!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Today I got the results of my various annual blood tests and I am officially in remission from T2 diabetes! My HbA1c has gone down from 50 in December 2022 to 39 today. On the way I've lost 30lbs by doing the Newcastle Diet to begin with, for 3 months, then swapping to low carb and increasing the calories a bit, and going to the gym more. It's been hard work, there's no doubt about that, and Christmas was difficult to negotiate - I did put a few pounds back on over the holiday period which are proving tricky to shift but it's a marathon, not a sprint... Yes, I fell off the wagon a few times, plus I had a week's holiday in Tokyo last summer where I gave up all pretence of going low carb, but it does all seem to have been worth it. I've found low carb substitutes for quite a few things which has helped as it means I don't feel I'm missing out (plug here for the Groovy Keto stuff - their low carb cake mixes are brilliant as is their keto Chocolate Porridge - and for the SRSLY low carb bread rolls and hot cross buns). I just have to make sure I keep it up now!!
Bravo! What amazing progress
That's great news - well done. It's always good to hear about success stories. Thanks for sharing.
That is brilliant news. Don't lose focus though, but it sounds like yo have it all under control
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