Off my blog (starting insulin?)

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Thats a good entry, thank you for posting. For me going onto insulin was a difficult time. I was pretty desperate to get on it, I felt so ill at the time and just wanted to feel better so the injecting wasn't my primary concern. I did feel like i had failed in some ways, my diabetes had not porgressed the way my team had expected, and not followed a typical MODY course. My control had deteriorated quite rapidly over 6 months to a year. Being on insulin also helped to resolve some psychological issues about having diabetes and being a 'real' diabetic.
I wrote this article the other day, and I've had a few people say to me that they found it an encouraging read.

I thought it might be of interest to some people here, since we've had a few people starting on insulin or injecting as of late 🙂

Have just read your blog and I wanted to say "thank you" for all the positives.......I will still need hand-holding though when my time comes (soon now) and yes it is scary leading up to it, but if others can do it, I'm sure I will be able to get up the courage the first time, and after that......😱
Hey, Faith of COURSE you can do it. And encouragement is what this place is about 🙂

Nikki - I've always thought of you as being very strong, so knowing that it was a difficult time for you as well rather proves my point that it will ALWAYS be difficult! 🙂
I really like reading your blog, I wish that I'd been given something like this to read before I started injecting it might have made me less angry 🙂 x
Both excellent posts from SH and SA. I've added both to Google Reader so I can keep up to date with your blogs.

I keep a blog myself but it's mostly general stuff, although now it seems mostly diabetes stuff. Half the time I think I'm writing things to educate my friends who have no experience of diabetes - this is what comes of spending most of my life in education....

Anyway, loved the posts and the Banting and Best story makes me cry.

I wish my blog was as good as both of yours. I love reading them with fascination. Great work! Maybe one day my blog will be as good ... or better haha 😉
Haha Lou....🙂 I love reading yours. You want to go back and read my really old entries - total rubbish, I swear! There are loads of much better ones out there as well. Poor old UK though seems underrepresented compared to the US though!
2 very good reads

it is a complex condition and not to be taken lightly. Humour yes, but not lightly

Thanks ladies
I never felt that I had failed when I was told that it would be better if I went onto insulin.. I started off on the usual route for type 2, diet and exercise for 6 months then I was put on metformin which was gradually increased.. this made me ill to the point that I physically would feel sick when food was put in front of me and trying to eat was horrid, plus I spent the majority of my day to and fro from the bathroom... I changed GPs and I had the metformin reduced and was put on gliclizide as well, which helped, but then I started to go downhill again and felt really rough and ill, went to my GP who said I would be better off on insulin and referred me to the diabetic clinic at the hospital, and the consultant said he thought I did well to last on tablets for 3 years at my age.. I presume he meant that maybe I should have gone on insulin much earlier... Then it hit me that I was going to have to stick a needle into me... it was ok when I was nursing i could inject someone no problems but now it was me I was injecting.. When it came to the day I sat with the DSN pen ready and pointing at my tummy, and I couldnt do it, I think I sat there for about 10 mins but it felt like ages before I could do it, and then I didn't really feel it... then when I had to do my night one I managed.. the next day I got cold feet and said to my best friend I can't do it, so she replied "well die then" and I injected myself and haven't had a problem since, and I am now on 5 injections and metformin sr... sorry I have rambled a bit here lol
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