Off gliclazide and Hba1c of 48

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Around a year ago, after a period of temporary insanity during lock down, my Hba1c came in at 102 and I was prescribed gliclazide on top of my metformin. I went on a strict low carb high fat diet, lost a load of weight and got my blood glucose down, checking 5-6 times a day. I stopped the gliclazide after about 6 weeks and haven't used it for ages. My Hba1c is now 48.

I still have 7-14lbs to lose so will continue pushing myself.

Thanks to all those on this forum for the encouragement, information and advice. Especially during the getting me on the right track period of the first couple of months. You have all made a huge difference.

What a fantastic result! Well done!
It is one thing having the right information, but you have put the effort into putting it into practice day after day and meal after meal, so you deserve all the credit and good luck with losing the remaining few lbs. Many thanks for sharing such an inspirational result. It gives us all a lift to read of such success.
I had my yearly review this afternoon and expected my BG to be up a bit because of spending more time living with my children and families, and letting my normal diet slip a bit now and again. I was pleased to learn it had remained the same as last year at 47. All other elements were fine with cholesterol up a wee bit. Room for improvement all round but genarally satisfying.
I had my yearly review this afternoon and expected my BG to be up a bit because of spending more time living with my children and families, and letting my normal diet slip a bit now and again. I was pleased to learn it had remained the same as last year at 47. All other elements were fine with cholesterol up a wee bit. Room for improvement all round but genarally satisfying.
Well done. It feels good to get a 'congratulations' from the doc rather than a telling off.
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