Oestrogen effect on blood sugar

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Having had T1 for nearly 30 years (Most of my life) , using pump and Libre and doing fine I now find myself in need of support from someone with knowledge of this. Just had major surgery and been left with only 1 ovary. I'm okay but finding bloods suddenly running very high/seem more insulin resistant. Anyone with experience of this out there who's willing to help me I'd be very grateful. Thanks
Welcome to the forum @LexCrossett

I can’t really comment on your question, but I have seen others mentioning how the ebb and flow of hormones (during menstruation and particularly in pregnancy) can have a major effect in BG - so it doesn’t seem impossible.
As you have had major surgery your bloods will be all over the place, it's surprising how long it takes for the body to heal. If I remember correctly I was told 3 months for a hysterectomy, Then you have the pleasure (not) of the hormone imbalance as well.

So you will need to fire fight your blood sugars with basal testing and corrections as needed. A very frustrating and tiring time :( Hope you feel better soon.
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