Odd reading

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Relationship to Diabetes
Evening all. Hubby got a bit of an odd reading late last night with finger prick testing. His BG can swing dramatically from between 18 to 6.6 with apparently no real rhyme nor reason. But last night we had a 3.3. He said he felt fine so I re sealed the JB’s and asked him to test again. Result 11.2 ? Was the monitor not working? Can it really change that quickly over a short period of time? He is on Gliclazide so I am a bit on edge. Any suggestions or advice welcome
Did he wash his hands and dry them properly before these readings?
If you get an unexpected reading it is always worth testing a second time, making sure hands are washed and dried.
3-3 to 11.2 is a big difference.
What was it this morning?
If he didn't eat any JBs and doule checked it and got 11.2 then the 3.3 was likely a duff reading, especially if he felt OK. If he is used to high readings and rarely if ever gets hypos, then he would most likely feel like he was dying at 3.3.
Which meter does he use? Some like I think the SinoCare will occasionally give a false low reading when they don't get enough blood on the test strip.
Well done for encouraging him to test again rather than treating it as a hypo straight away.
not sure, I will check he does this in future. He sometimes gets what he calls “a thing” where he cannot use the lancing device to take a blood sample and sits there for ages trying to go through with it so maybe there was some contamination. He usually starts to feel a bit odd at about 6. As you say he is not used to BG that low. 9.3 this morning
He usually starts to feel a bit odd at about 6.
That's odd in itself. 6 is in the normal range. I wonder if the meter is OK, or he's perhaps spending a lot of time outside the normal range. (Having said that, many people find that rapidly changing BG can feel odd so perhaps it's just that.)
That's odd in itself. 6 is in the normal range. I wonder if the meter is OK, or he's perhaps spending a lot of time outside the normal range. (Having said that, many people find that rapidly changing BG can feel odd so perhaps it's just that.)
It is my understanding that his levels have been high for quite a while and I am guessing feeling a bit odd at 6 will likely be a false hypo. He was diagnosed in Feb gone with an HbA1c of 121 so still early days.
It is my understanding that his levels have been high for quite a while and I am guessing feeling a bit odd at 6 will likely be a false hypo. He was diagnosed in Feb gone with an HbA1c of 121 so still early days.
That would explain it.
I found a couple of test strips loose in my kit that escaped the tub for a while. I popped then back in. I soon identifed them over the next week or so- they all read in the low 3s.
So i suggest duff strips
Thank you Tdm. Yes I remember reading something about them not being exposed to air,
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