Odd BGs

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I can start two days in exactly the same way, with the same morning BG followed by exactly the same insulin, food and excercise but by lunchtime my BGs can be:
Day 1: 8
Day 2: 19.

My consultant looks at me in that 'I don't believe you' way.

Is it only me?
yeah after breakfast my levels do seem to be completely random!
I can start two days in exactly the same way, with the same morning BG followed by exactly the same insulin, food and excercise but by lunchtime my BGs can be:
Day 1: 8
Day 2: 19.

My consultant looks at me in that 'I don't believe you' way.

Is it only me?
I believe you! It's 'cos you're a real live person and not a machine. We all get weird readings. I think one - offs don't matter, it's the trends we've got to watch.
lol i get odd reading most days!!!! this morning i woke up to 3.4 bg and then at lunch it was 12.6 (my 2 hour was 4). i know this will come down again by this evening and i hope this will all get sorted out as when im high i feel like rubbish and i also feel really bad when ive been low too!!!
Hiya Amanda, I am exactly the same, when I told my consultant I got a shrug of the shoulders and told it may be hormonal ?? What type/make of insulin do you take ?
I'm on pills and I stsrt off at the begining of the week at a reasonable pre breakfat level (between 7 & 8) at the begining of the week. It creeps up to about 10 by the end of the week.

I think part of mine is stress and part of it is hormones, although I'm also getting to that age where things are changing any way!
Thanks for all the comments, at least I don't feel alone on this one any more.
I've never been told it might be hormonal so I'll watch out for that one. I'm also reaching the age where things are changing so I wonder if that will make any difference. But 'mikep1979' says he gets it too, what about other male T1s?
I'm on.....heck I'd better check, I can never remember and I've been on this one over 10 years.......Novorapid and Levemir. Is there anything in that I wonder?
To be honest mine seem completely random all the time at the moment! sometimes itl be perfect before breakfast, take the insulin I normally would and sometimes itl be ok mid morning. Other times itl be 'sky high' and I cant understand why. I think the trouble with me some nights Il be doing heavy weight lifting and other nights I wont. This does have an effect over the next day, but I just cant seem to predict it at the moment - I will nail it eventually though!

BUT i know for a fact another thing that rocks the boat is stress! Even when I think Im not stressed, I usually am and it has a big impact on my insulin requirements. (I think some of the effects are due to eating more without realising it, being less active etc, down to the stress). Before I found these forums I was getting proper stressed over everything (I think almost to the point of being depressed about it all) but I think that happens from time to time.

The problem with it all is its a circle, you get stressed, eat more, or do less etc, it upsets your requirements and BG, you put weight on or get other problems arising from it, that stresses you out even more.....

ok il stop rambling now!
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