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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Is it ok to eat these Quaker Oat packets you put in the microwave. I hear conflicting stories? Thank you
Is it ok to eat these Quaker Oat packets you put in the microwave. I hear conflicting stories? Thank you

The answer will be individual to you @philb63 Do you test your own blood sugar? That will tell you if they work for you.

In general, the less processed oats (eg steel cut jumbo oats) put your blood sugar up more slowly than the processed, powdery ones like Ready Brek and others. But the only way you’ll know is to test before and 2hrs after eating. You might find a less carby breakfast works better for you but it all depends on the individual.
Guess is they'll cause a spike being highly processed oats, better off trying jumbo oats as @Inka suggests then test afterwards.

As type 1 I have jumbo oats most mornings with greek yogurt & berries, filling & nutritious breakfast.
Is it ok to eat these Quaker Oat packets you put in the microwave. I hear conflicting stories? Thank you
Best to test - I avoid all grain.
They're about 60% carbohydrate...personally I'd avoid and have bacon and eggs instead.. better for satiety and nutrition.
Do you have a meter @philb63 ?

If you are interested in fine-tuning your menu, a BG meter can be very handy. That way you don’t have to rely on a food’s reputation, or whether or not other people have decided for or against it - you can see how you respond as an individual.

You can take a reading immediately before eating, and again 2hrs
later. If your BG rises by only 2-3mmol/L at the 2hr mark then - then it suggests your metabolism coped well with whatever it is.

You may get some happy surprises, and you may also find that some things you had expected to be ‘safe’ may not seem to suit you as an individual, and you may need to opt for a smaller portion.
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