O2 Arena and Tslim pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there,

I am going to the O2 tomorrow and have been reading up about their security with the website saying everyone has to go through the scanners. I have a Tslim pump. I used to have an Accu Chek combo and never went through any scanners with it.

Has anyone had any experiences of O2 security as a diabetic or with a Tslim pump?
Thanks 🙂
I don't have experience with the O2, but I think the T-slim is fine to go through the archway metal detectors, but not the full-body scanners (the ones that you step into and then they move around to make a picture of you from all angles). This is the rule I follow for airports and Eurostar.

You could check with Tandem to be sure.
I don’t have a T Slim but I have a Dana i pump which is probably very similar. I told them about my pump and I didn’t have to go through any scanners. This was a few years ago so it might be worth contacting them to check procedures.
If the "scanner" is like the metal detector archway that you walk through at airports, there should be no issue with an insulin pump. I have had a few pumps which have been through these many times.
However, in general, pumps have not been tested in the full body scanners that you stand in with your hands above your head that you get at some airports. I would be surprised if they have these at the O2.
Opt for pat down instead if scanner, just make them aware your wearing medical devices & they will take you to one side to search you.

Did this few times since switching to pump, never been issue so far.
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