Nutrition scales and carb counting

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just seen my dietician today and im looking into start carb counting. Just wondered what scales people use for those who are carb counting?? Thanks
hi EmmaLou

You can use any scales with a carb counting book or get ones that do it for you. I got given a set of salter 1440 scales by Roche but I dont like them-if you put a dinner plate on teh platform it obscures the screen, they dont add up food as you go so you have to add up each item individually and besides I think mine are faulty as 2 tbspns of sweetcorn is not 4g!
Rosemary conley do a decent set (about ?40) which Roche used to supply, they carb count and add up as you go along but they've been out of stock in alot of places recently. Lloyds pharmacy do a set that are less than ?10 but have been told that alot of the carb values are wrong so to steer clear of that one.

Any help?
Thanks. Yeh ive seen the rosemary conely ones but i dont fancy paying ?40 i just wondered if any one else used any whcich where around ?20 other wise am going to have to ask santa lol i dnt really want to pay too much for them as i dont even know if it will work for me as i got very confused when i was with the dietician!
Why dont you have a look on ebay for some? Carb counting is a bit mind boggling at first but you'll get the hang of it before long. Theres a really good online tutorial at -you need to register but its free. ideally dieticians (or at least the one I see) want you to be able to estimate the carb count of a portion of food just by looking at it (eyeballing) but I really find this hard.
well i suppose after a while you do get to know what carbs are in food n how much insulin to take because you do it that much. im managing now without carb counting i just tend to over estimate occassionly. its difficult but at the same time i find the whole thing of diabetes sooo interesting x
Carb counting can be a very mysterious thing to start with but as you go on you'll realise youre suddenly starting to "guess" all different types of food by sight and getting it right!

Plus most foods have it right on the packet so no brain work involved!

I only ever use scales for rice and pasta because im rubbish at judging it without them!
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