Nuns forced care children to eat their own vomit, abuse inquiry told

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SOME children at residential homes run by Catholic nuns were made to eat their own vomit, a lawyer said.

Those who wet their beds were forced to put soiled sheets on their heads by members of a harsh regime which was devoid of love, a public inquiry into child abuse at residential homes was told.

Children at Sisters of Nazareth properties in Derry were known by their numbers rather than names.

Many were allegedly subjected to humiliation, threats and physical abuse, according to Christine Smith, counsel to the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry in the North.

Words fail me :(
I have read a lot of things about nuns and was educated by them so anything they do comes as no surprise to me.

Nuns viewed children from dysfunctional families as evil and that is why they dished out inhuman punishments.

They treated unmarried mothers in despicable ways too.

If people in the real world isolate themselves and hear voices they are usually suspected of schizophrenia and yet this is what nuns do.

Of course there are nuns who do not behave badly but those who do must be seriously lacking in humanity and yet you would think that you would have to be humane to be a nun.
A friend of mine endured this type of childhood. She's still pretty screwed up, at the age of 70. Some of her friends killed themselves as young adults. Her stories are more than heart-breaking. Where's the justice...?:(
As a Catholic, these stories haunt me, I feel physically sick whenever new evidence is brought forward. It breaks my heart that people knew and did nothing and, when the stories surfaced those in charge did no more than move the guilty to another parish or another place and they got away with it. They still try to do the same shameful thing. The church has a lot to answer for because they allowed it and their victims were often too terrorised to speak of it, until now. What happened, as I now know, in my own family is the main reason I'm now a lapsed Catholic. I despise the people who lead the church for their actions and their hypocrisy.

My great uncle's wife had two children taken from her by the nuns and spent time in one of their homes marked as a slut because she was attacked by a friend of her father. It scarred her for life and her children too. We found them about 25 years ago and both suffered horrors in a Catholic run children's home in the 30s and 40s. Neither one has ever been able to settle to anything or maintain any kind of stable relationship. Their lives are tragic, hopeless and bitter. I hope, if it's not too late that those responsible can be brought to justice, they taint the whole church with their evil.
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