Numbers going up, help appreciated.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm new here so I hope this is the right place to post this.
I'm struggling with my numbers going up at the moment.
Bit of background... (apologies for the essay)
Diagnose type 2 about 11 years ago.
Controlled with exercise and keto diet for 7 years, then got ill (ME and Fibromyalgia) and could no longer exercise so am now on 2000mg metformin extended release.
Have had an awful year so haven't been testing much, assumed as I was eating keto all would be OK.
Last week I put on a Libre 2 and was shocked to see I'm now almost always above 7, going up to 12 at times. This is not OK for me as I've always worked hard for normal bg.

Spoke to diabetic nurse this morning, who said theyre not allowed to do a cpeptide test to see if I'm still producing insulin. (crazy!)
She was also unconcerned about my numbers really, but I know they put me at risk of complications in the long term. I'm 51.
And the next line of meds is the sulphonureas (sp?) but that she's concerned about that causing hypos if I'm eating keto.
I'm concerned about forcing my pancreas to work even harder.
I've been reading about meds and the ones that seem most appropriate are the GLP 1s... Any thoughts about these appreciated, and any suggestions how to get my preferred meds prescribed? And any suggestions how to get them to support me to keep normal levels.
And any general advice really appreciated as I'm so stressed.
Many thanks
It’s completely understandable that you’re worried @NickyT I’m Type 1 not Type 2, but if you’re eating a keto diet and still getting 7-12s then it looks like you need some support. Apologies for the personal question but has your weight changed over the last year or so? Are you extra-stressed? Stress can put blood sugar up.

Is there any possibility you could have LADA/Type 1.5 diabetes?
Thank you so much for your reply.
I'm putting on weight more easily at the moment, but nothing dramatic. That's partly because I'm stuck in bed. But also possibly increased insulin resistance?

This last year has been incredibly stressful, lost my mum, husband ill, pandemic etc etc. Plus my chronic illness symptoms are worse, so I'm in pain and/or feeling ill most of the time.

So it is possible this all is what's pushing things up, but it's pretty much ongoing, rather than a temporary blip.

I did have antibody tests when I was diagnosed, and they were negative, so I think it's very unlikely I'm LADA /1.5.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum @NickyT That must have been incredibly hard.

Weight, decreased exercise, stress, pain - they can all affect your blood sugar. If you’ve researched the possible meds and have a preference, I don’t see why you can’t ask if you could try the GLP 1s. I know very little about them but there are lots of Type 2s here who should know more. There are also people with fibromyalgia. If I’m remembering correctly @Thebearcametoo is one but there are others.
It sounds like you need a good chat with your GP rather than the nurse. Getting your pain under control would mean you can be more active (not necessarily exercising but just being able to move around the house more) and at the same time having a chat about the most appropriate meds. It’s frustrating to have the things that were working limited by other health issues.
Sorry to hear about your raised BGs even though you have been eating carefully, and sticking to a tried and tested approach.

Sorry for your loss, and the stress and pain you have been dealing with too. Hopefully if you can get some relief from the pain and stress, and as your grieving continues to unfold perhaps it might offer some relief from the elevated BGs?

Good luck with your discussions with your GP. Hope they are receptive to your thinking about meds.
Thanks for the replies, your support is appreciated. Hopefully I'll make some progress next week. Its just so frustrating when medical professionals are so blasé about our numbers. We're the ones that will have to be dealing with possible complications!
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