Numb Toe

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just want to check if this is diabetes related or not. For some time now (before I was diagnosed with T2 in June this year) I’ve had a slightly numb middle toe on my left foot. It’s not a huge problem it just feel a bit weird. Especially as its very consistent and never goes away. I did mention it to the nurse when she examined my feet at the time but I’m now wondering if she understood what I said or was listening properly at the time as she didn’t offer any advise or make any comment about it. I’ve now read something on the NHS website about diabetes that mentioned numbness in feet. I have a few questions I would like help answering if anyone can.
Should I be worried?
Do I need to go back to the nurse or doctor?
Does anyone else have anything similar?
Is there treatment that can put it right?

Thank you
If you are wondering if you have diabetic neuropathy, then prob not as it normally affects both feet not just the one foot.
When I presented with a numb foot/leg with tingling the automatic response was it's your diabetes, so I pointed out this wasn't a normal presentation and to look further and suggested MS to the GP.

He was very good about the suggestion and sent me for scans straight away which did prove my diagnoses correct.
Might sound silly but you know when you press it, is should go white then return back to normal colour pretty fast. Good indication of blood flow. I have terrible circulation in my feet and of often feel a bit numb
I was type 2 diabetic for several years but now been diagnosed as type 3C. I have also started suffering with painful toes almost constantly on both feet. My hands and feet are often cold. I was told to exercise more to increase the blood flow. I have started this but find it quite painful so it is difficult to keep going. But there appears to be no other treatment.
Thank you all for the responses. It was diabetic neuropathy that I was wondering about and it is only in one foot so probably not that and would explain why the nurse didn’t react much to it.
I also walk a lot, at least 10000 steps a day every day for almost 6 months now so I think my feet are quite good in all other respects.
One to add to the list of questions for the next time I see the GP I guess.
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