numb lips

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys,
Just the other day had a funny sensation after having a low reading my lips went numb has any one-else had this too. Also can I ask how low is low before you pass out or go really wired, my record is 2.1 but was still standing and able to fix it ok.

Many Thanks G xxx
Sounds scary, I hope you are OK now. Someone will be along before long and answer you.
Hi Guys,
Just the other day had a funny sensation after having a low reading my lips went numb has any one-else had this too. Also can I ask how low is low before you pass out or go really wired, my record is 2.1 but was still standing and able to fix it ok.

Many Thanks G xxx
I sometimes get a numb feeling as for how low you can go before you pass out this I think varies from person to person. I have had a reading of 1,8 and I was still standing. Going wired i take as you mean loosing it? I was 2.4 once and in A+E I tried to punch out the lights of the docter who was trying to treat me:(. It really does varie.
I think numb or tingly lips are a warning sign of low blood sugars. Ideally, you should never let it go below 4, but I think below 3.0 is pretty low. I've been down to 1.7 in the past, although the one I had yesterday felt lower but I didn't have my meter with me to check. A lot will depend on how quickly you are falling as to how bad the hypo is, and how well people are able to cope at very low levels will vary between people. Some may require assistance at 2.x, others may be able to treat themselves at lower levels.
I've found that my lips can have a tingling sensation (almost numb) if my bloods around 3. However the same also seems to apply if blood is around 16.

My lips and especially my tongue go really tingly and sometimes numb during hypo and for some time after hypo, usually under a BG of 3 for me. I've been as low as 1.3 without passing out, don't you just hate it when your levels go that low?!
Yep I get tingly lips too. Usually when the hypo is sudden in its arrival or if it is a rather stubborn one to get rid of.
Tingly lips here, too.

In recent years, I think my record low has been 2.2.

However, there was one incident when I was a child and had BG of 0.9 and was still conscious (just) 😱
Yep I get the tingly lips and tongue - not nice. I once tested at 1 and was still conscious but on another occasion when I was totally out of it I was told I was between 1-2, guess it varies.
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yes I get tingly lips and tongue as well, sometimes in the 3s but I have seen its been down to2 and I am still getting the grankids tea for them. I have been in the 2 and 3 most of the day today carnt seem to get it up but I am still doing things. I seem to just be eating dextro all day to day.Even after mt dinner and I am 4,2 now.The things we have to put up with?😱
Yep if I'm very low - below 2 usually - I get tingly/numb lips. Everyone is different though - I have walked around on a 1.7 and felt totally normal, and other times I'm 3.9 and feeling horribly hypo!
I tend to get numb/tingly lips when my BS is really low, normally low 2's. I have, thankfully, never passed out and my lowest BS has been 1.6, I couldn't see but was still conscious and able to grab at the biscuits 🙂 I don't think I could have gone much lower though! As everyone else has said, it is more to do with the quickness of the BS drop, sometimes I feel so rough in the 3's, other times I can be low 2's and feel fine. Hoping I never find out how low I have to go to pass out.
I get tingly lips and tongue when I'm low sometimes. Was once 1.0 and still conscious! Ran downstairs and shouted 'I'M 1.0 AND I'M STILL ALIVE!'
My mum sat me down and gave me a pint of apple juice!
Yep tingly lips are quite common...

The lowest I've ever been is 1.7mmol/l and still stand but not for long...

I was in work and ended up loading a weeks supplies of food, milk etc to cover the christmas needs at the care home I was working, form down in the reception into the lift, up stair and round to the kitchen..

When I finished I decided that I should take a BG to see how I was going, went into the staff room, got my meter and got a reading 1.7mmol/l. So meter in hand and jelly babies I head off to the duty office, next door but acutally ended up in the managers office next to this🙂 just about managed to get out that I'm hypo and struggling then hit the deck, well the managers desk to be exact.. Apparently panic ensued, all I can remember is munching toast the manager had made me, apparently I did get enough jelly babies into me before hitting the desk😱
yep i get tingly/numb lips too..and the more hypo i get the worse it gets...ive been diabetic for a long time and have over the years discovered that my pass out point is 1.3mmol..... mum used to waste time testing my blood sugar while i was passed out before jabbing me with a glucogen....nice lol
but i get fairly out of control by 1.7 and i also go a bit deaf just before i pass out
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