Now the fun begins

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Discovered that the cannula was half out of me this morning, not sure how it happened. We therefore decided to do a full set change. Two hours later we couldn't work out why BG had gone up from 11 to 14 in an hour. Looked on this forum for suggestions and realised that we hadn't primed the cannula - we hadn't been told to do that when we had the training on Tuesday. So have now primed it and done a correction so fingers crossed bg will go to a normal level. First set change was fairly straightforward but pleased OH was with me because he had also come to the training. Hopefully I should soon be able to do it on my own🙂

1.0u for the 90 degree Flexlink, different for the angled Tenderlink you have to stick in yourself without an inserter. Which are you using?
Thanks very much Jenny I'm using the Flexlink and Mark found the book after I posted. I did an extra unit and I'm now down to. 7.4 hooray🙂
I remember the husband and I muddling our way through my first set change. It felt like there was just so much stuff to remember it would never come naturally. Now I do it without even thinking. It's amazing how quickly it all becomes second nature.

Glad you figured out what the problem was.
I had trouble with cannulas coming out overnight but got some mefix tape so they can't shift when I wriggle
I've had very very few that have come loose during my first year, so hopefully it will be a while before that happens to you again
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