Now on pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there, been ages since I have been on here, in that time i have managed to get on a pump. I have to say I love it. I took to it really quickly after some intensive sessions from my most excellent diabetes nurse. Glad that I was inspired by you lot to go for it as I had not even considered asking to be considered for one until I came on here.
Ooh! There's a voice from the past! 🙂 Great to hear from you and fabulous that you have now got a pump! 🙂 Which one have you got?
Hi there, been ages since I have been on here, in that time i have managed to get on a pump. I have to say I love it. I took to it really quickly after some intensive sessions from my most excellent diabetes nurse. Glad that I was inspired by you lot to go for it as I had not even considered asking to be considered for one until I came on here.
Very pleased for "U" Medusa. 😎. Nothings perfect but a pump is so adaptable for the individual 🙂
Now there's me thinking you would be on a Medtronic Medusa :D 😎
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