Now a pumper!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am now hooked up. There were 7people in my pump start group all of whom had been on a waiting list for about 2 years so we were all very happy, and a bit nervous. They are a really friendly supportive group too, which is fantastic

My blood sugars were pretty awful earlier today with the lack of levemir in my system. But they are looking much better now. My readings today have been

07:30 11.4
09:30 21.5
12:30 15.9
14:40 17.8
15:30 12.3
17:30 8.0
19:00 7.2
21:00 10.0
22:00 13.3

I love the bolus wizard. It would be good if something like that was available for MDI people.

Off to bed now with my alarm set for 12 for the next test.
Brilliant Rachel, I am so happy for you! And all your fellow pump starters! 🙂 Hope all goes well on the first night and you can quickly get to grips with it - I am sure it will help you so much 🙂 Watch out the little one doesn't get too curious and 'tuggy'' though! 🙂
Brillaint Rach well chuffed for you and the others x x
Welcome and well done :D
I love the bolus wizard. It would be good if something like that was available for MDI people.

Off to bed now with my alarm set for 12 for the next test.

Yay! Great news Rachel 🙂 Good luck with the basal testing. Hope you get a half-decent pattern sorted out quickly that you can then fine tune/tweak as the weeks go on.

Incidentally, there are 'bolus wizard' type apps for smart phones (certainly iPhone and iPod Touch) and, of course, there'e the Accu-chek Aviva Expert meter which is based on Roche's Combo pump handset but intended for peeps on MDI (I wrote a review about mine here)
Welcome to the pump club, if you'll going to belong to the diabetic club the pump subsection is probably the best club going:D

The hardest bit of pumping is the next couple of weeks as you start to get your head around it and start pining down your basal, set changes and cartridge changes will feel daughting and long process, but you'll get swifty with every one you do..

Good luck with your start off, fingers crossed that you get your basal pinned quickly
Congratulations...............I hope you settle in as quick as possible and get the results you want.......🙂
That's brilliant news. 🙂

Now you'll have the hard work of testing and adjusting.
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