Novorapid 4 and novo flexpen

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have just heard that novorapid have now got a novorapid 4 pen and also a novorapid flex pen i would just like to know if any one is using either and what their views are and also if they have a memory facility on them that lets you know the time when you last injected. Thanks
Hi Mattie

I think you just ask your nurse for new pens, thats what I did anyway.
I've just checked Novo Nordisc's site and BNF and it seems the Novopen 4 is still not available in the UK. They have been available in the USA for more than a year so hopefully it won't be too long before we get them over here.
I have used NovoRapid since being diagnosed 18 months ago. I inject morning, lunch, dinner, the use slow acting Levimir Flexpen last thing at night.
First packs were given to me by the nurse on day I was diagnosed,then there after on repeat prescription. As usual you have to rotate points of injection.
not heard of Novo4 but will investigate if it has any benefits.
Just read the website link for the Novo 4. Seems pretty fiddly having to attach the different cartridges and replace when empty. I think it's much easier with what I use now - just use, dispose when empty and take a new one from the box in the fridge. Only advantage I can see is less storage space required, and environmentally less disposed waste.
The Novopen 4 is avalaible in the Uk I know people who have it already. try to ask your nurse if they have any or you could get it on prescription. I think the biggest advantage is that it dials up and down easily, unlike the novopen3. It doesn't have a memory on it.
And I don't think there is a half unit one avalaible which i need. It's really not a big deal to change cartridges.

I have used the flexpen and the novopen 3 (demi) and prefer the novopen it's sturdier and just feels nicer.
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