NovoPen Echo Plus - good or bad?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Evening all.
I’ve just been prescribed a NovoPen Echo Plus (not sure why as the Fiasp Flextouch disposable pens worked a treat). I’ve used it for the first time today and linked it to my Libre2 app so it automatically uploads my insulin injection amounts. Sounds good but it means I have to edit every upload because it includes the 2 unit air shot as well as the injected amount. It also means I have to add another note for my basal insulin.

I’m thinking of turning off the automatic uploads as it’s more of a faff than a help. Has anyone out there got any experience or advice? Thanks.
As someone of an age where I sometimes have to ask myself “did I inject or didn’t I?” I’ve found the pens invaluable. You don’t have to edit the dose every time because it’s pretty clear that the lower of two injections at the same time will be the air shot. I wouldn’t touch disposable pens with a barge pole - really bad for the environment and take up far too much space in the fridge and when travelling
I’ve just been prescribed a NovoPen Echo Plus (not sure why as the Fiasp Flextouch disposable pens worked a treat).
I can not give by feedback about this pen except to explain why it has been prescribed.
- reusable pens are more robust
- cartridges take up less space in the fridge and luggage when you travel
- as has been publicised, there is a shortage of single use Flextouch pens
My GP pharmacy couldn't get Fiasp cartridges a few months back and offered me flexpens as an alternative, which I took and used but absolutely hated them after being used to the NovoPen Echo for several years. I really missed the half unit option provided by the Echo and the last dose reminder which I sometimes need on a daily basis to check how much I eventually decided to inject and much as I am not one for brands and designer gear, I really missed the quality and weight and robustness of the Echo and couldn't wait to go back to it when I next managed to get cartridges..... and all that is before you consider the environmental factor. Love my NovoPen Echoes and I believe they are generally considered the best reuseable pen on the market. I don't have the plus and very much doubt I would that scan feature because I couldn't be bothered to edit every entry and I log all my insulin doses manually on Libre and can't see the point of scanning them and then having to edit it, or end up losing track of your TDD if you don't edit it.
As a matter of interest, Juggluco has the facility to upload from the pen, and it is clever enough to ignore the air shot.

Another example of LL not being designed with user influence.
Thanks all. Spoke with the pharmacist today who explained the disposable pens have supply issues. He’s now ordered me a second NovoPen for travel / back up. Just when I’d got used to things but I’m sure it will all be fine. 🙂
I swapped to them a few months back, it’s great in that you’ll not forget what dose you took or which insulin type which I’ve done a couple of times now.
If you get another for basal or bolus push for a different colour, give them the colour code to make it easy for them. Unfortunately they prescribed two blue ones for me.
I swapped to them a few months back, it’s great in that you’ll not forget what dose you took or which insulin type which I’ve done a couple of times now.
If you get another for basal or bolus push for a different colour, give them the colour code to make it easy for them. Unfortunately they prescribed two blue ones for me.
Hi there. I’m on Toujeo for basal. Is is possible to get non Novo Nordisk cartridges to fit the NovoPen?
Hi there. I’m on Toujeo for basal. Is is possible to get non Novo Nordisk cartridges to fit the NovoPen?
That's not something that anyone will recommend trying. Even if you managed it, if the cartridge is slightly thinner (or wider) the numbers would be wrong (since the Novo pens are designed to give units (or half units) based on their cartridges).
Hi there. I’m on Toujeo for basal. Is is possible to get non Novo Nordisk cartridges to fit the NovoPen?
Why are you wanting to fit other insulins into a novopen? Each manufacturer will offer a compatible reusable pen.
Why are you wanting to fit other insulins into a novopen? Each manufacturer will offer a compatible reusable pen.
Sorry, I don’t want to fit other insulins into a NovoPen - I think something got lost in translation! What I’m meant was are the NovoPens universal so I could use it for Toujeo cartridges too. It would appear that they are not universal and I’d have to get a Toujeo compatible pen. All clear now! 🙂
As @Bruce Stephens and @Lucyr said, each manufacturer makes their own reusable pen. They're not universal.

The cartridges may be slightly different sizes, so putting one manufacturer's cartridge into another manufacturer's pen either won't fit at all, or risks giving the wrong dose.

NovoRapid is made by Novo Norodisk, so you would use a NovoPen.

Toujeo is made by Sanofi, so you'd need a pen made by them. It looks like that's the SoloStar pen.

If you used an insulin made by Eli Lilly, like Humalog, you'd need an HumaPen.

If you bought a reusable pen from a third party, you'd need to buy the version of the pen specific to your insulin/manufacturer.
I have been using an Echo Plus for a year now and upload the data every week or so. I only ever do a 1 unit air-shot (why do more?) so the 1 units are very obvious so I just ignore them.
I have been using an Echo Plus for a year now and upload the data every week or so. I only ever do a 1 unit air-shot (why do more?) so the 1 units are very obvious so I just ignore them.
I have wondered why people do a 2 unit air shot.
I was advised to do a one unit shot and did that all the time before I had a pump.
I tried a half unit shot but that was not obvious when it came out of the pen - it was too small to see - so couldn't "waste" any less than I was.
I do as much of an air shot as I need to see a droplet of insulin at the tip of the needle. Most times half a unit is fine but there again that is probably because I reuse needles 😱so don't really need to prime as such, just make sure it isn't blocked. Sometimes I need to dial up a second half unit before a drop appears and very, very occasionally I might have to dial up another whole unit to see insulin coming out, so the full 2 units but in 3 attempts and on really rare occasions I have a needle which simply doesn't deliver insulin and needs to be replaced.
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