Novopen 6 on the Libre 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have moved to the Novopen 6 and am now scanning my Novopen into the Librelink app via my mobile phone.

Where a flow/air bubble check of 2 units is done at the start, this reading is also transferred in the app which you can flag as a flow test.

I currently feel this is another job on top of the others. Approx max 7 steps to flag the one injection as a flow test.
I run at 7 jabs a day so this would be approx 35-49 additonal steps in the app depending if i tackle them in one go or singular a day.

I am tempted not to flag these flow tests now as I do not inject at this smaller volume.... so could comment to the Dr, if there's a 2 unit jab ignore it.

Has anyone found a way to negate the flow test jabs quickly?

Sometimes I wonder if the new tech is always better than doing something manually. I have the Novopen Echo 5 so just manually input my insulin jabs still and therefore ignore my air shots. I appreciate that scanning the pen to enter insulin dose data would be helpful if it wasn't for this air shot issue but since there doesn't seem to be a reasonable work around, I am not convinced that this smart pen option is actually beneficial for the seconds it takes to input that data manually.

I haven't read anywhere on the forum of people finding a workaround for this issue yet..... but happy to be proved wrong To me it is a monumental fail with the design. There should be some means to disregard the airshot from the data before you inject the dose.
I am tempted not to flag these flow tests now as I do not inject at this smaller volume.... so could comment to the Dr, if there's a 2 unit jab ignore it.
That's what I'd do. (Not that anyone apart from me is ever likely to look at the data.)

I agree it's a bit annoying but I think there's still value in storing the data.
FWIW the third party app Juggluco doesn't show air shots. A quick squint over the past few days shows no 1.5 air shots, but real doses of 1.5 DO show up.

I've no idea how it excludes one and not the other, but maybe he does it on time. If there are two shots close together he takes the latest. Clever huh?

FYI I don't store the pen in LibreLink because it would suck up ALL my readings incl air shots. The first three months would duplicate stuff I'd entered manually in the Note record. I think the model Abbott have chosen to include insulin as a separate record type is unintuitive. I prefer to have the reading alongside the carbs. Just my 2p worth.

I only record it in Juggluco is so I can be sure what I took if I need to check. I know you can see it on the pen, but the pen isn't always with me. My phone is.

I have moved to the Novopen 6 and am now scanning my Novopen into the Librelink app via my mobile phone.

Where a flow/air bubble check of 2 units is done at the start, this reading is also transferred in the app which you can flag as a flow test.

I currently feel this is another job on top of the others. Approx max 7 steps to flag the one injection as a flow test.
I run at 7 jabs a day so this would be approx 35-49 additonal steps in the app depending if i tackle them in one go or singular a day.

I am tempted not to flag these flow tests now as I do not inject at this smaller volume.... so could comment to the Dr, if there's a 2 unit jab ignore it.

Has anyone found a way to negate the flow test jabs quickly?

I don’t use NP6. But understand the BT principle of the pen with recording “dosage?” If a recorded “Airshot” of 2 units was really close to a larger or even similar units of bolus to dose for carbs. (like within a couple of minutes.? I would discount the first.

If I was accounting to my DSN or specialist over the recorded non event jabs? “That’s because I primed the needle.”
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