Novomix, Lantus & Chemotherapy

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Rob Morris

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So, I'm a long term steroid enduced T2 Diabetic diagnosed and stable for the past 2 years on nightly Lantus only.
However, I'm currently receiving adjuvant Chemotherapy treatment post bowel cancer removal. My BMs have been shot to bits with extra Dex giving me readings of 20+ mmols when taken twice daily. To offset the raised BMs my DSN advised to take Novorapid when my readings were raised. Since surgery my dietary routine has changed so my GP has prescribed me Novomix twice daily.
Do any of you guys know if it's still safe to take my lantus aswell before bedtime???
I've been advised to keep my readings no higher than 10-15 mmols whils on the Chemo meds. So if there are any of my fellow Chemo heads out there your advice would be greatly welcomed
Thanks all xxx
I think you need to ring your DSN because your GP has put you on a MIXED insulin - ie a mixture of faster acting and long-lasting insulin - instead of just the additional fast acting one - and normally you wouldn't additionally take a separate slow one (Lantus) or a fast one (Novorapid), together with a mixed one.

I'm just not certain whether they are both on the same page of the hymnbook, let alone singing the same hymn - so I'd be asking the expert - ie your hospital clinic DSN.
PS Whilst taking either Novomix or Novorapid you DEFINITELY need to test your BG far more often than twice a day - like at least when you rise and when you go to bed, plus before every meal. Do you drive? Have you been advised of the DVLA rules for driving when taking insulin of any kind?
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