NovoMix 30 FlexPen 3ml prefilled pens

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello to all I’m having reactions to my twice daily injections I’m recently new to taking insulin
1 = weight gain nearly 2 stone in 5 months
2 = joint pain all over

Has anyone else suffered these problems and if so what did you do

Welcome @Snowy+Casper 🙂 The weight gain will be connected to insulin resistance. Insulin itself doesn’t cause weight gain. Regarding the joint pain, not every insulin suits every person. I had awful joint pain on one insulin. The answer is to change to a different insulin. The Novomix is an analogue insulin and it was an analogue insulin that I couldn’t tolerate.
The obvious one to swap to is Humulin M3. This isn’t an analogue. You’d have to speak to your nurse about swapping as you’d have to make sure your doses were right.
Welcome to the forum @Snowy+Casper

Sorry to hear you are having some difficulties with Novomix 30. :(

Insulin shouldn’t make you gain weight in and of itself, but it may allow your body to ‘process’ and absorb extra energy from carbohydrates that was previously staying stuck in your bloodstream causing mischief. So you may need to adjust your insulin doses and your menu to find a new balance.

There’s a section here about weight gain that suggests asking your Dr or nurse to help you adjust things to keep your weight stable.

Page 6 of this leaflet does mention possible joint pain among less common side effects

So it would be well worth asking your Dr about your experiences
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