Not well.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
Can anyone shed some light on this, i know your not doctors but i am intrigued to know if anyone has had any problems like this out of the blue?
At 3.45am i was on my pc happily doing my course work then from nowhere i began to shake all over felt sick, blured vision & heart rate going bonkers maybe due to being frightened & alone cos other half was working.
I tested BG it was 4.7 so managed to get a muller light yoghurt down me to see if it helped it calmed down the shaking & heart rate but still felt sick, i rang NHS direct got advice & told me to keep checking BG's regular & try to sleep as lack of sleep can bring on the symptons....
Shortly after was sick felt loads better enough to get to sleep anyway....still feeling a little sick but ok....was this to do with diabetes or is it a bug?
Since having gone to A&E with possible gall blader pain two weeks ago & awaiting a scan i have had various problems with the occasional pain & a migrain & sickness which i've not had migrains n sickness for a few months now.
I thought 4.7 BG was a good figure & not too low...

Just wish it will all be over soon & return to my normal self....well as normal as i can be
I cant help but i had to go into hospital monday night tues morn with the symptoms you just described my bloods where 13.8 , it was put down to an anxiety attack but they still had to check my heart bp etc etc.
Hubby has migraine and gets similar symptons and as Steff says it also sounds similar to what she had. I hope you are feeling better. Try to see doc next week to get things checked out.
Could it have been something you ate? I've had the shaking, high heart rate etc when I've had food poisioning in the past. If you felt a bit better after being sick it could be your body needed to get rid of something..?
Sorry to hear you're not feeling too grand Sweetsatin.

Is 4.7 on the low side for you? I mean do you normally run higher than that? When I first got my BGs lower I had the same symptoms and my doctor said it was my body's reaction to lower BGs.

I found that high BG's are a sign of an illness. Terrorise your doctor or NHS direct if you still have the problems.

Keep a diary of your BGs and symptoms for the doctor.

And most importantly Get well soon!
Hope you're feeling a bit better now, hun.

Blimey, you're a night owl, aren't you?? 🙂 Do you eat that late into the night? Could it be anything to do with lack o food?

Hi everyone
Thanks for your replies
Never experienced anything like this i have had lower blood sugars than 4.7 my last hbac1 was 5.3 in sept...., so well controlled
Well i feel a lot better now after being a sleep most of the day lol
I suddenly thought the past 3 days i have had goats milk as a treat cos i got sick of skimmed milk in my poridge it was probably too rich for me so thats off the list.
Other than that nothing new....
No helen, i'm normaly asleep but had to get my course work done as i was slacking lol
I don't normaly eat after 10pm, i do check my BG's before bed if low i have a richtea biscuit or a something.
As steff said it could of been an anxiety attack, but will be at the docs this week again.
Hi, so sorry to hear you've been feeling so poorly. guess it could be related to your intial problem, and hope you get results soon.. However, as you day, wh're not docs (not me anyow!) So, like the others, I would see GP. Hope you feel much better soon. Just a thought - how long were you on computer? I have felt dizzy sometimes when been on there too long (a lot of my work is done online). I now make sure I take regular breaks.
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