Not very impressed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure if anyone remembers but a few weeks ago i posted that hubby had to have an ultra sound as his liver levels were raised,well he had the scan last week two days later he got a letter from his doc telling him he has to have another scan this one with a contrast and he has also made him an appointment with a specialist not even giving him an explanation as to why he has done this , i am getting quite worried now i have noticed that his skin colour seems to be getting more tinges of yellow as well.
The thing is when they did his hba1c it was 9 and the doc just said it may suggest that he is diabetic mine was 9.9 and i am diabetic,so whats the difference,am hoping someone can tell me.sorry about the moan.
I'm not surprised your worried if they haven't told you why he needs the appointment with the specialist. Is there any way you can get in contact with them and ask why you've been referred to him?

I think if it were me I'd want to be tested again and if it still comes out high then tell them they need to do something about it. I feel quite angry on your behalf. I hope you get things sorted out soon x
Phone the doctor and talk to him/her over the phone to ask why. Sounds as if your husband is being looked after but you want more details - so ask. They should be OK with that.
Steve just got back from the docs,he told him its nothing to worry about buthe has got some thing in his liver that 8mm in size and the reason for the other appointments are to find out what it is,the doc has now also mentioned him having a cat scan now as well.
AT least things are being looked after. It is right to ask for more details if you are worried. If your doctor is anything like mine he just assumes you know what is going on or wont ask because you don't want to know.

I hope things get sorted pretty soon and everyone feels better.
When I was diagnosed my Gamma GT was 484 and they wanted to know if I was an alcoholic! I'm teetotal as I've said elsewhere. It's now 124 and the trouble has been put down to diabetes, I'm told my kidneys and pancreas are affected too and all will have to be monitored. I was looking pretty jaundiced last year but now I'm back to my old clear skinned, fresh-faced self.

What Steve has could well be a fatty lump, I'm sure the CAT scan will clear up the mystery though.
I'm glad they've told you why. I hope that all the tests go well x
Hi Caroleann pleased you know why now and pass on best wishes to your hubby hope the test goes well good luck x
Just want to thank you for your replies,both my self and steve are feeling much happier now.
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