Not tonight .............

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

As a new T2 I have been told not to eat anything after 8.30 p.m.

That will kill me!!!!!!! I love my late snacks.

Can anyone advise if it is essential not to eat after 8.30 or could I stretch it to 9.30?

Personally i always have a slice of seeded brown bread with a light philidelphia spread on it about 9.30 , surely it will be ok , im still standing :D:D x
Caera - who told you not to eat anything after 8.30pm? Did they give any reason? Advice is different for people who use insulin, who are often advised to have snacks before sleeping, but I'm not sure about advise to people with type 2 diabetes.
Hi all

As a new T2 I have been told not to eat anything after 8.30 p.m.

That will kill me!!!!!!! I love my late snacks.

Can anyone advise if it is essential not to eat after 8.30 or could I stretch it to 9.30?


Why would it make a difference?? When i was first diagnosed 7yrs ago i wasn't told that...[ i was misdiagnosed type 2] I am type 1 and i alwsys have supper at about 10pm... i would starve to death otherwise :D
yeah id echo what addict said i cant see it making a difference as long as its sensible of course ,I was never told not to eat after a certain time and even if they had of told me id of said no way, id never stick to it id starve lol x
Hi Copepod

It was the nurse who told me not to eat after 8.30. I just can't find any reference to late eating anywhere.
Hi Copepod

It was the nurse who told me not to eat after 8.30. I just can't find any reference to late eating anywhere.

I wouldnt take any notice to be honest.. as steff says as long as it's healthy..... no boxes of chocs etc :D
Hi all

As a new T2 I have been told not to eat anything after 8.30 p.m.

That will kill me!!!!!!! I love my late snacks.

Can anyone advise if it is essential not to eat after 8.30 or could I stretch it to 9.30?


What sorts of snacks did you enjoy before? I don't really understand why such advice would be given. Personally, as a Type 1, I tend to nibble less than I used to pre-diagnosis - before I might have been stuffing my face with biscuits or sweets all night, but now I tend to eat things that are unlikely to affect my blood sugars. I've found that peanuts are good - low carb and with the right kind of fat in them, although they do have a lot of calories but that's not really a problem for me. Cheese and crackers are OK too - the cheese is no-carb and the crackers slow-release carb - need to watch out for the salt content though to stay healthy.

If my levels are low before bed I'll have a slice of bread and peanut butter or something similar. As far as I'm aware though, there's no dreadful thing that happens if you eat after 8:30, but obviously I don't know you or your particular circumstances as well as your nurse does. Or maybe she was just being evil!😱:D
It depends on what you are eating. If I go to bed hungry I can't sleep. The only thing to do is plan a variety of snacks that you like before bed and test in the morning. Depending on your sugar levels you will then be able to plan evening snacks.

Whole meal bread is better than white bread, so you may only have to make slight adjustments, and it may even help you sleep better too.

Ask why you were told not to eat after 8.30. On w Wieght Watchers diet (not specifically for diabetics) the advice was to leave at least two hours between eating and going to bed as it gave food time to go down and prvevntd things like indigestion and heart burn, but I am not sure how good this advice is or if it is just a slimming myth.
Thanks everyone. Next time I am getting my bloods done i will ask.

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