not sure what to think

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
I tested myself before and i was 6.2. I have only eaten a turkey sandwich on brown bread today and a small square of chocolate. I have done a lot of gardening and cutting the grass etc and hadnt eaten for about 4 hours. So I ate a small boiled potato and tested after 20 minutes - i was 7.2!Just had a hot bath and tested again and 5.2. I am really surprised that i went up to 7.2 after one small potato and not a lot of food today. Should i be worried?😱🙂Thanks. Bev
Hey Bev,

I personally wouldn't worry too much based on those couple of tests, mainly because of inaccuracy of meter readings! If you consider that meters can be 20% out, those readings aren't hugely different. 🙂
Your not a diabetic are you Bev? Only reason I ask is because my other half has readings of up to 9 after meals when they are fine otherwise... Must just happen to everyone without them realising :confused: lol
Your not a diabetic are you Bev? Only reason I ask is because my other half has readings of up to 9 after meals when they are fine otherwise... Must just happen to everyone without them realising :confused: lol

I hope I'm not a diabetic!🙂I stupidly googled my levels and most sites were saying that a non-diabetic shouldnt go over 7.3 or they are considered borderline diabetic - whatever that means! I will eat my meal and have a glass of wine and check levels again. I shouldnt have googled - makes me worry! Not sure about your husband getting readings of 9 - I suppose it depends on what he has eaten and how long after you are testing.:confused:🙂Bev
Aint it just one more thing to worry about you test yourself and think oh my god.I tested my other half once and he was 5.4 thought nothing of it
Hey Bev,

I wouldn't worry at all. Your endocrine system takes a while to work as hormones aren't that quick to work. The pancreas runs blood glucose regualtion on the priciple of negative feedback. That's to say it keeps an eye on the levels of glucose. If they go above a certain limit then insulin is released by the beta cells in the Islets Of Langerhans. If your blood glucose drops too low glucagon is released by the alpha cells which are also found in the Islets Of Langerhans. Basically it takes time for your body to register the change and react to it. There's nothing to worry about I think.

yeah he doesnt stay as high as that for long, he has no reason to be concerned so my guess is that it might just be a normal thing to his body that otherwise wouldnt be picked up if he wasnt living with a diabetic... I dont let him test often, I know its a waste of my prescription lol I think he was complaining of being sweaty one night and decided he was having a hypo (he is a nut sometimes 🙄) well he defo wasnt hypo anyway....

And stay off google, its evil.... 😉
I dont want to hijack Bevs thread but why do people test there blood lsugar levels who are not diabetic? aint it a waste of strips and it would drive you around the bend if you got a high reading .:confused: maybe its curiosity.i did test him once but i had been out the room and when i came back he had got all my gear out i certainly aint done it again.
I dont want to hijack Bevs thread but why do people test there blood lsugar levels who are not diabetic? aint it a waste of strips and it would drive you around the bend if you got a high reading .:confused: maybe its curiosity.i did test him once but i had been out the room and when i came back he had got all my gear out i certainly aint done it again.

Steph, I think your right - it *is* a waste of strips and i know they are expensive. I just think that now we are all in the 'diabetes circle' so to speak, that we tend to notice changes in people and if someone feels a little odd - then the first thought is - check blood glucose! I also think there is a certain amount of curiosity. I know in the past I have checked myself when both Alex and I have eaten the same meal and I was interested to know what it did to him and what it did to me. It always makes me feel so sad that his levels are not those of a non-diabetic.:(🙂Bev
Hey Bev,

I wouldn't worry at all. Your endocrine system takes a while to work as hormones aren't that quick to work. The pancreas runs blood glucose regualtion on the priciple of negative feedback. That's to say it keeps an eye on the levels of glucose. If they go above a certain limit then insulin is released by the beta cells in the Islets Of Langerhans. If your blood glucose drops too low glucagon is released by the alpha cells which are also found in the Islets Of Langerhans. Basically it takes time for your body to register the change and react to it. There's nothing to worry about I think.


Thankyou Tom, that is very reasurring to me.🙂Bev
Steph, I think your right - it *is* a waste of strips and i know they are expensive. I just think that now we are all in the 'diabetes circle' so to speak, that we tend to notice changes in people and if someone feels a little odd - then the first thought is - check blood glucose! I also think there is a certain amount of curiosity. I know in the past I have checked myself when both Alex and I have eaten the same meal and I was interested to know what it did to him and what it did to me. It always makes me feel so sad that his levels are not those of a non-diabetic.:(🙂Bev

Good point Bev your right, it is weird you say about being in the diabetic circle and always the first thought being check blood glucose my other halves mum has suspected gout on her big toe and i said to him i wonder what her blood sugar is like 🙄
I think people want to 'have a go' to understand the experience of testing / reassure themselves that what you're gonig through isn't as painful as it looks and, as has been said, curiosity. Actually I can't imagine NOT wanting to 'have a go' if, for instance, my partner was diabetic: surely some level of curiosity is normal / healthy / shows an interest?

I tested my friend once after visitting her new house and being shocked at the general unhealthiness of her diet - cup-cakes all round (admittedly delicious) every time you sat down.
She came in at 8.5: I worried about her all day until I tested my Mum that evening, who was 7.9.

So i apologise, all you tax-payers out there, for wasting 2 testing strips.

But I do wonder what source some of my medical text-books that quote 'normal' as 3.5-6.5 get it from and whether some re-evaluation is called for
Yes Lizzzie i am not saying to anyone it is wrong
I think i tested colin 3 times on different occasions... I wouldnt dare tel the doc coz id most likely get the old nhs budget lecture.... the funny thing was tho on these seperate times the reason he wanted me to test was because of this flushed feeling causing him to become sweaty... the highest he has ever been was 9 as i said, but nothing that has been a worry since...weird... lol
My brother was on 11 once when i tested him years ago coz he was ill, but nothing ever came of it 🙄 must just happen to people without them noticing....
I wouldn't worry Bev. The cut off level of 7 is for a fasting test result, and as you'd been eating, you weren't fasting, so therefore those results dont mean anything.
Hi Bev

I asked my DSN what the levels of a non-diabtetic might be after eating and she said between 7 & 8! This shocked me as I realise that sometimes I am normal😉

When I told her I had been concerned that my 2 hour post eating readings had been up to 9 on several occasions - hence my recent foray into low carbing, she told me that this was nothing to be over concerned about - they only worry if it gets into double figures and that the reason they ask us to provide 2 hour readings is to see our highest level - silly me thought it should be coming down by 2 hours after - she said no, it comes down after 2 hours! I do, howver keep an eye on this as I would rather get a lower reading of course.

So, I wouldn't worry - you don't know enough about how your own body reacts to certain foods or circumstances - the request for extra sugar for the excercise of gardening for example - I would need more than a potato to recover from that😉

As for testing others, who hasn't done it! I can't get Hubby to do it - needle phobic but had tested junk food and choccie addicted son and he had a disgustingly "normal" level of around 5.6 2 hours after eating - maybe it is his age - I warned him that it won't stay like that if he carries on with such eatign patterns! Doesn't listen of course:(
My GP, who is non-diabetic, tells me that he tests himself about once a month as a simple precautionary measure - he's about 60, a little bit overweight and I guess he sees himself at some risk of developing T2. Mind you, he thinks everyone should have a meter and carry out an occasional test!

On the very few occasions I have tested my other half, she's had readings in the 4s and 5s.
I have tested my OH a few times and she has been up to 10 before, but subsequent tests were back to 4-5 so it can happen. I wouldn't be concerned by your readings
Food causes a non - Diabetics blood sugar levels to go up, Hence why the DSN's say that it is ok for Diabetics levels to be slightly up after 2 hours of eating.
Mind you, i tested on my moms meter after she was diagnosed, and had a reading of 7.2 after eating. (Bev this is NOT meant to cause you alarm..)
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