Not sure what to do

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys ,bloods currently at 27mmol my blood ketones are now normal from earlier
have been over 20 since this morning … I spoke to my nurse this morning who said she was going to review my levels and get back to me … She reckons ill be starting trulicity next week .

should I phone nhs 24 with my levels .. the nurse said id only be looked at if i had ketones and if i was being sick ..
Others will know more than me, but what have you levels been like today? And when what was your last meal?
Hi I ate at 5 .. was a small burger and a salad ( nooo chips because of the bun )

all readings today ranging from 20 to 27 … super thirsty :(
I'm not surprised you are super thirsty with levels that high, @WEEHOTTY 😱

I think your nurse is probably right that the NHS won't think it's urgent unless you have ketones, but I would definitely keep checking for ketones regularly - do you have Ketostix or blood ketone strips? If you don't, you should be able to get a pot of Ketostix from your pharmacy, and I'd do that asap in the morning. If you find you have anything other than trace ketones and especially if you are sick or if your breath starts smelling of pear drops, don't wait to ring NHS 24, just go to A&E, because diabetes ketoacidosis is very serious and that will mean you need insulin right away.

So far as ringing NHS 24 is concerned, my experience of ringing a random NHS doctor or nurse is that they are unlikely to have much understanding of diabetes and may give inappropriate advice, so I'd say it would be much better to talk to your diabetes nurse again as soon as you can - unless, as I said, you get ketones, in which case you don't want to hang around ringing anyone. But even without ketones, those levels can't be doing you any good at all, so if your nurse doesn't get back to you within a day or two, don't be afraid to hassle her.

Drinking lots of water should help get your levels down a bit.

I can see from your sig that your HbA1c has gradually been going up - have you done things like cutting down on carbs and getting more exercise since you were diagnosed? If you have and your levels are still going up, then it might be worth asking your GP for tests for type 1 (GAD antibody test and C-Peptide test) because that might mean it's possible you have slow-onset type 1, also known as type 1.5 or LADA. If on the other hand you haven't been cutting carbs, and have just been relying on the meds to deal with your diabetes, maybe the high levels are a sign that you need to alter your diet a bit more (eg maybe cut out the buns and increase the salads).

Let us know how you are tomorrow, I hope the levels have gone down a bit by then.
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