• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

not so good


Well-Known Member
hi all. as you will see from my earlier post my son was changed onto levimir and novarapid from thursday reading over the weekend were the best we have ever had now he's back at school the readings have been real low will post them up later when i have more time for a bit of advice was told the diabetic nurse would be ringing to see how were getting on so far aint heard nothing.:(
Have you tried giving her a call?

I would expect that as he is back at school he is more active with PE and playtimes so that is influencing his blood sugars. Have you been reducing his insulin from the set doses you were given?
I would ring the nurse myself if I were you. Ring the hospital and ask to be put through if you don't have her direct line. In my experience medical people are busy and often forget to call. Once my dietitian forgot I had an appointment with her, she came out to do some photocopying and I had been waiting so I spoke to her and she had totally forgotten the appointment!

Sorry your son is suffering - I would definately ring the nurse and explain its all new to you - and what does she advise.

I am having the same problem with Alex, but have been told it can take a few days to settle into new ratio's etc - but if i am worried i can always speak to someone - they always ring back. Let us know how you get on. Bev
This is a few years old but if you look the DSN's had over 9,000 telephone contacts in a year with patients and nearly 700 actual appointments. That is a hell of a workload.


That's right. Also, I think that the contact nurses have with patients is more hands on and intensive than, say, a doctor who might talk with me for a few minutes at an annual review, whereas my nurse and dietitian have helped me through a lot of things, dealt with floods of tears and panic over ketones, and generally been my first port of call.